Thursday, May 31, 2012

Guest Post at A Little Bit of All of It: A New Mom's Tale for Nursing on the Go

A Little Bit of All of It Preparing for Birth Series

Today you'll find my guest post on A Little Bit of All of It, where Julia is hosting a 10 week series on Preparing for Birth. This week is centered around Breastfeeding.

About a month ago I took a trans-American trip with Penelope and my family for my brother's college graduation and then a week on the beach in Pensacola, Florida. Although I had the amazing support of my family in carting around all of Penelope's stuff, there was one thing no one else could help me with - feeding her! At this point I had not yet introduced the bottle, and in retrospect I am glad I hadn't. Check out the post to read about my shenanagins in trying to figure out how to nurse her on this vacation.

What are some of your funny nursing in public (NIP) stories? Comment here at The Pierogie Mama or at A Little Bit of All of It.
Julia's 10 week series on preparing for birth is a great resource, even if you aren't currently preparing for the arrival of a little one!
Week 1 (April 30- May 6) Birth Stories
Week 2 (May 7 – May 13) Childbirth Education
Week 3 (May 14 – May 20) Choosing a Care Provider
Week 4 (May 21 – May 27) Birth Support
Week 5 (May 28 – June 3) Breastfeeding
Week 6 (June 4 – June 10) Birth Plans
Week 7 (June 11 – June 17) New Baby Care
Week 8 (June 18 – June 24) Postpartum Care
Week 9 (June 25 – July 1) Other Birth Resources
Week 10 (July 2 – July 8 ) Advice for the New Mom


  1. I sometimes let my little one scoot down in the ergo, pull up (or down) my shirt and let my hand-made nursing cover lay over the top. I walked around the Woodland Park Zoo like this, and although my shirt got a little stretched out, everyone just thought I had a sleeping baby under there. No one had any idea I was bf in my ergo.

    I bf on the go all the time, restaurant, or in the car mostly. In the car, I don't worry about the nursing cover. If someone looks, I figure its in my car, so if they don't want to see it, they can look away. Once I guy parked next to me and kind of did a double take. I just nodded at him, like "yep- this is happening".

    I love breast feeding. Its so snuggley, and so healthy!

    1. Melody, I just got an ergo for my bday and I've seen women bf with them- ingenious! I love that it was included in the design. I've also nursed in the car, it's actually fairly comfortable, I'd say it's my preferential "on the go" bf'ing spot.
