Sunday, July 29, 2012

First Sight

A year ago today, I laid eyes upon my little Pierogie for the first time at our 8 week ultrasound. I had gotten the positive pregnancy test almost 3 weeks earlier but had to wait til the 8 week mark before we could get an ultrasound to make sure.
Waiting til that day was sooo hard! I knew in my heart that I was pregnant, but it was almost too good to be true. We had waited for this sweet little one, and I didn't want to be disappointed!

We nervously waited in the room while the midwife got the portable ultrasound machine ready. Within a few seconds, she pointed to the screen, and asked, "do you know what that is?"

I burst into tears. I'm not a cryer by nature, but I just let go and had one of those ugly cries. Uncontrollable sobbing. Adam politely asked for some tissue and the midwife hesitantly asked if I was ok...Adam replied "these are happy tears."

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