Friday, July 13, 2012


Well, blog friends, life has gotten in the way of any posts this week...but I can't say I'm too sorry about it!

I was on a bit of a baking frenzy this week. I baked up a batch of my delicious poppyseed muffins (and although I normally happily share many of my recipes, this one I keep guarded. Sorry!) and also a peanut butter - chocolate cheese cake. The cheesecake I was also very happy with... I might have to keep that recipe around too!

The 'rents (what my siblings and I call our parents) are leaving for a vacation to Poland in the next few weeks so I spent a good 2 days working on a shutterfly photo book for my babcia. 40 pages of pictures for the last 2 years...whew! It was a big time crunch because there was a 50% off sale that I wanted to get in on and I brought it down to the wire, with only 2 hours to spare. But I'm sure it came out beautifully and I'm excited to see it when it arrives. Shutterfly has made some upgrades; new layouts, less cheesy embellishments, and you can now upload pics directly from facebook..even your friends' albums (an awesome option!!!).

Also spent the week preparing for our week long camping trip to Canada which starts tomorrow. It won't be "real" camping, as we are staying in a cabin, but it will be
Pretty rustic. The cabin just has bunks, but there is a lodge where we can use a kitchen (but I'll be cooking on our trusty Coleman cooktop, which served us valiantly through our renovation where we didn't have a kitchen for 6 months) and a shower house. This is a weeklong family church camp that Adam grew up going to. It'll be really nice to disconnect for a week and spent quality time together and with his sister and kids... No distractions like cell pohones, facebook, tv, craigslist or (sniffle) blogging. But I'm sure I'll have lots of stuff to talk about when we return!

So, this is my little goodbye for now.. I wasn't able to put up a Pinterest Recipe Challenge because the two things I prepared this week technically weren't pins but fear not, you'll get a double feature when I return :)

In the meantime, have a good week, blog land. Sorry for any typos..this was tapped out o the iPad in the dark ;)

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