Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pinterest Summer Recipe Challenge: Creamy Avocado Pasta

If you are a Pinterest addict like I am, you'll know that sometimes you pin ideas that you, for all intents and purposes, plan to try at some point. My recipe board, Nyam, is full of those. I decided that this summer, I'm actually going to make use of this board and try these recipes out. My goal is 1-2 recipes per week, and I'm calling it my Pinterest Summer Recipe Challenge. You can find more of my challengers here.
Can I just say that I love avocados? I'll scream it from the roof tops, I don't care..


So when I saw this recipe on pinterest, it was an immediate pin. I'm surprised I've waited this long to try it out.

You will need:
(serves 2)
2 avocados (the original recipe calls for 2 avocados for serving 4, but I believe I love avocados more than she does so I gave it a shot)
fettuccine noodles
1 good squirt of lemon juice
1/2 c grated *real* Parmesan cheese (not the powdered Kraft kind!)
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp minced garlic
2 T olive oil
2 vine tomatoes
*I omitted the pine nuts from this recipe, couldn't find any in bulk.

You will do:
1. Preheat oven to 350. Cut tomatoes into 1/8ths. Sprinkle with olive oil, lay on a pan and bake for about 20-30 minutes (until they look almost like sun dried tomatoes)

2. Boil the noodles until they reach al dente (be sure to salt the water a little bit, I forgot and my noodles stuck together!).
3. While the noodles are boiling, cut skin and pit the avocados.
4. In a food processor (or KitchenAid mixer, as I didn't have a food processor or blender available) combine the avocado meat, lemon juice, cheese, salt/pepper and garlic. Blend until smooth.  The original recipe has you sprinkle the Parmesan cheese last, but I liked it infused into the "sauce."

5. Don't forget your tomatoes! Take them out of the oven when they're ready!
6. Once the noodles are done, drain the water and portion the noodles out into two bowls.
7. Add sauce on top of the noodles. Sprinkle tomatoes on top and serve!
Some thoughts:

This really ended up being guacamole on pasta noodles. I'm not complaining, it was still delicious, but Adam and I agreed that this is an excellent base for a dish. It needs something more.  In the future, I might try adding shrimp or chicken, Adam suggested hot sauce (a weird combination, but we love toast with avocado and hot sauce in the morning!).


  1. How much pine nuts and when do you add them?

    Trader Joe's always has pine nuts (or pignoli - I think that's how they're labeled there) - decent prices.

    1. I would have expected Safeway to carry them but it was a smaller store...

      The original recipe calls for 1/4 c of pine nuts for serving 4 (this recipe serves 2) and they are tossed in at the end. I bet they'd be delicious roasted ahead of time, maybe with the tomatoes.

  2. Pine nuts are a little delicate to roast - you usually just toast them briefly in a pan. They get bitter really quickly.

    They're uber expensive in the little packages from the baking section - I don't blame you for omitting them.
