Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Guest post at That Mama Gretchen: My birth story

Check it out, my dear friend Gretchen graciously allowed me to share Penelope's birth story over on her blog, while she prepares for the birth of her second- a little man! I posted the synopsis of Penelope's birth earlier - but you'll find the nitty gritty deets with her.

I think sharing birth stories is extremely important to help normalize childbirth and show more women that labor (and birth) is not the excruciating act that the media depicts. Back in the day, mothers, sisters and friends all attended each others births so it wasn't such a strange event, and most likely by the time it was your turn you've already seen it a few times so you sort of know what to expect. Although horror stories do happen, fear is a huge factor in pain tolerance and how situations play out. Personally, reading and hearing birth stories was the best way I could prepare for labor. I read good and scary stories - and each one taught me something new with coping mechanisms, what I'd like to see happen or what I didn't care for.

Mine is a story where I got everything I hoped and dreamed for in a birth - and I hope that by sharing it with to-be, new and veteran mamas alike we can gain confidence in trusting our bodies to do what we were built for.


  1. Totally agree..I read so many books about birth experiences way prior to even being pregnant just to learn and get the info. My favorite part of pre-natal yoga was the instructor sharing birth stories at the end of class. My birth story wasn't the ideal I hoped for...and I'm still trying to come to terms with that... :-/

    1. Jenna, your birth story was amazing! Even though it didn't work out 100% the way you had planned, yours is definitely one to be proud of :) I've shared parts of it with some mama-to-be friends.

  2. I read your birth story! Thanks for posting it. My baby is due in October and I have read so many natural childbirth books and I am hoping for a drug-free experience like you had! I really like how you mentioned that things were in God's hands. That's what I think and it helps me stay very positive!

    1. Colleen, thank you for the kind words! With the right mindset, education, safe environment, and stellar support team I believe that any mama can deliver medication free if they want to. I wish you a calm remainder of your pregnancy and a safe and joyous delivery, however it happens! I'd love to hear from you when you have time to share your story :)
