Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Today we took a trip out to our local pumpkin patch (the largest in our county, mind you!) with our dear friends, who have a 20 month old son.. who I may have secretly betrothed to our daughter.

We brought along a wagon for the kids to ride in, and set out to find our perfect pumpkins. The kids each got their own and we also got a "family" pumpkin (nice big ones).  Penny's was a sugar pie pumpkin - which I plan to bake and have home made pumpkin puree for fall treats rather than the store-bought canned stuff - which incidentally is not real pumpkin, but squash. Home made pumpkin puree is so much tastier, not to mention healthier. After much searching, hemming and hawing over the perfect color or the best "face", we found our pumpkins, which weighed in over 40 lbs each!

It started out as a blustery day, where we weren't sure if this was such a good idea, to a fun little family outing and getting to spend time with friends.

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