Monday, January 7, 2013

Fresh off the clothes line: Buttons Diapers and a giveaway!

I've been doing my very best to patiently wait for my opportunity to try Buttons Diapers. I met the owner, Amy, and her adorable daughter at my nephew's birthday party and a few months later a little birdie told me that Amy would be starting her own cloth diaper line. To which I squealed in delight - I love that cloth is becoming more popular and that I actually kinda-sorta know the family behind the label.

Buttons Diapers is a family company based in Mount Vernon, Washington. The company was born because Amy wanted to make cloth diapers that were well-made, affordable for everyone, and simple to use. (Using cloth should be easy, right? Why clutter your busy-mama life with more work?!)

I am a stay-at-home mom of one 18-month-old, and one due in July 2013. :) I love cloth diapering. Also, I am an old-fashioned-girl at heart, and find joy in doing things the old-fashioned way (with new technology, of course!). After using a few different types of cloth diapers on our daughter, my husband and I decided that we preferred the "hybrid" system. This two-part system consists of: a waterproof cover (which can be used multiple times before washing... thus, saving money and energy) and an absorbent insert. We LOVE having inserts that snap in, so they don't move around inside the diaper. 

We hope you will love Buttons Diapers as much as we do, and would LOVE to hear from you!

~Amy   (

This system is a diaper cover with a snap in insert. The majority of my stash is pocket diapers, but I also rock the diaper cover with Flip inserts every now and then to give my pockets a rest. I was excited to try these out as I've never used a snap in insert.

At first sight, there already were a few features about this diaper cover that made me give them a thumbs up.
  • I love that the cover is 2 layers of PUL. The other covers that I've used (Flip, Blueberry and Thirsties) are all one layer and I just like the thicker feel.
  • The covers are one size, so you can adjust the rise as your baby grows. This eliminates buying multiple covers as your baby grows - just buy your stash once and you're done!
  • These covers feature a double gusset at the legs and also extra elastic at the belly button and backside. What a customized ft! I've had trouble in the past with Penny not fitting diaper covers very well and leading to leaks.
  • The inserts are by far the thickest, softest pads I have seen for cloth diapers. I also really liked the contour stitch, which reminded me of maxi pads, LOL! They come in small and large, as well as day time and night time thickness. The inserts are unique in the way that you can stack them for more absorption. The night time insert has snaps on both sides so that you can stack a daytime insert for super soaker babies.

    The double gussets became worth their weight in gold when I tried Buttons at night time. To be completely honest I was expecting a pee leak because Penny is a side sleeper and it's hard to find any diaper that doesn't leak from time to time. Because we still bed-share, waking up on a wet sheet thanks to my sweet pea (haha I made a funny) is not one of my favorite things to do. When I woke up the following morning and found that the sheets were dry I knew this was a good diaper cover. Then a few minutes later as Penny started doing her morning routine of poop-yoga (yes, I did just say that, don't act like you haven't seen your child do it either!) I stood back, waiting to see if the cover was going to pass the poop test. And without going into too much detail - yes it did!

    My only worry with trying these diapers was that I was worried about being "tied down" with the snaps feature on the covers. It's important to me that my stash is versatile and I can mix and match covers and inserts depending on what we might have planned that day or what is in the laundry at the time. It would be such a shame if I could only use this awesome cover and pads only with each other. So I gave it a shot by using a Flip insert with the Buttons cover (and visa versa) and found that they work well together! Looks like my system has full compatibility!

    Are you ready for the best part? Amy has offered a cover and two inserts for one lucky winner! If you've been waiting to try cloth diapers, now is the time!

    This giveaway is over - thanks to all for entering! 
    Keep an eye out for more Pierogie Mama Giveaways.

    Disclaimer: Buttons Diapers provided sample products for me to review, 
    however, all opinions expressed are my own.  


    1. Those look really cool. Interesting they cross with others.

    2. These are wonderful! I think I would like the blueberry cover next, I have pebble at home and also use grovia and flip inserts with the buttons cover, and vise versa, and they are very versatile. I have not had any problem with leaking either!!

    3. I would choose the Pebble color. Don't see the greyish color as often as others, and I love grey!

    4. Pebble for sure! I don't have any grey diapers :)

    5. I would love a cover in Blueberry!!!

    6. Ooh, mama want! Pebble or pink...

    7. I would love blueberry color.. :)

    8. I would like the Strawberry Buttons diaper.
      terri.moore30 at yahoo dot com

    9. Sweet pea!

    10. I would choose the Sweet Pea colored diaper.

    11. I like the sweet pea color as well!

    12. I would choose the pebble color. Love the grey!

    13. I would definitely choose Pebble. Blueberry is cute, too though! :)

    14. Oh pebble and blueberry are both adorable, but I think I'd go with the pebble- love a gray diaper!!!

    15. I would choose sweet pea (Michelle Ferguson)

    16. I would love the blueberry cover!!! Would be perfect for my baby boy who is now in the oven.

    17. I think I would get Blueberry

    18. I would choose their Sweet Pea color.

      colljerr at comcast dot net

    19. I like the pebble colored cover. I am a natural girl and my home and my own clothing style is in the beige category.

    20. I love the Grey cover!
      RC name:Mechele JOhnson

    21. Hi! I would love to try cloth diapers! If I won or was to order I would probably order them in sweet pea and definately strawberry! (gotta have the pink for my baby girl)!

      1. Olga, I hope you do get the chance to try out cloth diapers! Just wanted to let you know that Buttons is running a special through the end of the month on their Amazon store - spend $10 and you get a free cover! If you want to specify a color then just send Amy a message after you place your order;

        Good luck!

    22. I would choose Sweet Pea (green) :) Thanks for the chance!!

    23. Id def get the pebble! Ive never heard of these diapers before so its nice to be introduced to a new kind :)

    24. I would choose the Pebble color cover!
      jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

    25. I love reading reviews of all cloth diapers since I will be starting a stash in the next couple months. Any time someone mentions gussets I think "now this is a diaper I should look into!". Baby is due in February!

    26. I'm in the process of trying to get my sister to change over to cloth diapers, so I'm sending her your review. Hopefully this will get her on the bandwagon since you cover everything from fit to leakage. Thanks!
      -Danielle Fish

    27. I like a cover with 2 layers of PUL. It's much more sturdy and holds in wetness better!

    28. I just love these diaper have been hopeing to win some for some time now I like apple and tangerine love the double guessing

    29. These seem like great diapers. Adding them to my list ones to try!

    30. Sound like a great affordable and cute choice, and I like that they're compatible with Flip! Keeping the stash matched up is challenging, so being able to mix-and-match is a plus.

    31. I'm new to cloth diapering and am enjoying trying different brands - I would love to add a buttons diaper to my stash!

    32. This sounds like a great system. I am a huge fan if double gusset diapers and I love that the insert snaps in so that it won't shift with an active toddler.

    33. these diapers are adorable. i love the pebble color - it seems hard to find gray covers!

    34. We are wanting to try these diapers out so bad! They are very similar to our favorite diapers for our toddler (which are by far the easiest to clean!), but cheaper and the colors are very tasteful! These are for sure the next diaper on our list to try out.

    35. I love that you can adjust the rise as your baby grows.

    36. I love the double gussets... and they have some great solid colors!!

    37. love the double gussets! thats a must have with a breastfed baby!!

    38. I love the double gussets and I'm excited about the new colors that just came out!

    39. I love using a reusable cover with inserts but have always hated how the inserts move around in the cover so a snap in system is AWESOME! I also like having a thicker cover , they stay in place better too. Thanks for the great review!

    40. I love the colors these come in They look really easy to use too

    41. I too like the thicker PUL and double gussets! These sound great.

    42. I absolutely love Buttons Diapers! I have two that were given to me and I really want more! The double gussets and two layers of PUL make such a nice diaper. Must have more!!

    43. I love using covers and inserts and would love to try Buttons because they snap in!

    44. Sweet pea and poop yoga.. I love it. We reviewed the Buttons dipes as well and they passed every toddler test we had;)
