Tuesday, June 11, 2013

If only Planet Wise wet/dry bags had been around in the 80's...

This post was originally published as a part of the Keep Cool in the Sun giveaway hop.
When I was about a year old, my parents took me to the Calgary zoo. We were viewing the hippo pond, which at the time was a pit with a 15 ft wall around it and you could view the hippos below. That afternoon, most of them were lounging and sleeping - being boring old hippos. After a few minutes, excitement ran through the crowd as one got up and started pacing around. "Look the hippo is moving! Do you see the hippo?" parents would ask their children, who were delighted to see this mixture of a short elephant-cow thing walking around. 

My mother recounts that this hippo proceeded to back himself up against the wall, which was seen as pretty hilarious to the families watching. Unfortunately this particular hippo must have had an upset tummy, which is probably what instigated him to get up and move around a little bit. Within a few seconds, the squeals of glee quickly turned into screams of shock and disgust as black matter shot up the wall and up onto the crowd. You can probably guess what this mysterious black matter was. This story has been told many times, and each time my mother gets this forlorn look as she remembers the beautiful white dress I was in. My dad, with a sh*t-eating grin (ok, bad choice of words, but so fitting), explains how when he took his glasses off, his eyes had been protected and he had a line of poo where the glasses had been. My dress had to be thrown away, as no one was going to carry around a poopy dress for the rest of the zoo trip. And I'm not quite sure what my parents did with their clothes, but I'm assuming it was much more acceptable for a toddler to run around in her diaper and the adults just had to deal.

The kicker to the story is that after we got cleaned up, we passed by the hippo pond again (this time staying a safe distance away) - and it looks like the hippo was going for round 2.

In 2013, I'm sure it would have been a viral video sensation (or at least one of my parents would have snapped a shot with their phone, I know I would!). But this was the 1980's and film was to be reserved for good pictures. So sadly, no photographic evidence exists.

This was on my mind when we visited the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle last week. Had this been something that happened to Adam and I with Penny, the least I would have been able to do was save that pretty little white dress - because Planet Wise graciously gave me the opportunity to try out their Travel Wet/Dry bag and the Sport bag.

Planet Wise is well known for their incredibly well made wet bags that don't allow any leaks or stink to escape. After all, they're primarily used by cloth diapering families to store dirty diapers between washes.  Something tells me that hippo poop has a much stronger stench than baby poop, but at least it would have been something!Who wants to read about a collaboration between the zoo and Planet Wise to see just how stink locked the bags are? I just might be half serious...

We took the sport bag with us on our trip to the zoo last week (thankfully the hippos were not out that day!) and it was a really easy way to keep Penny's clean and used cloth diapers separated from the rest of the diaper bag.

Like all Planet Wise bags, the protection goes both ways - these bags aren't just for keeping your wet stuff away from your dry stuff.  They're also great for keeping things dry! The PUL liner maintains a protective barrier from both sides of the material.  So this is a perfect bag to keep on your back when at the water park and you want to keep a small towel or a change of clothes dry.

The small travel wet/dry bag also has great uses. My favorite use is having it be a safe place to carry my expensive face lotion while traveling. How many of you have had a bottle of lotion burst from pressure change while in your stowed luggage during flight and gotten all over your make up and hair brush? It's happened way too many times to me!  For mama-cloth users, you can use it as a way to carry your new and soiled pads as well.

Planet Wise has a ton of different products that will fit your needs - from wet bags, diaper covers, changing pads, pail liners, nursing covers and cloth wipes! They probably several hundred prints between all of their fabulous products.

To add to their awesomeness, Planet Wise has graciously offered one of my readers a set of their Travel Wet/Dry and Sport Bag in the print of their choice!

See what zoos The Pierogie Mama has written about!

This giveaway is over - thanks to all for entering! 
Keep an eye out for more Pierogie Mama Giveaways.

Disclosure: Thank you, Planet Wise for providing me with products to accurately facilitate this review.  I did not receive any financial compensation for this post. 


  1. Having our first babe in August :)

  2. Hanging out with my boyfriend at the racetrack, going to a concert in July and looking for a new job (getting laid off in July).

  3. Geometric Studio is my favorite print.

  4. Having my first little one in July :)

  5. I think River Rock is probably my favorite PW print - don't have anything in it yet though!

  6. LOVE Planet Wise, we have the wet/dry bag and it's perfect for swimsuits :)

  7. I am visiting family with my 14 month old for 2 weeks in July, she'll get to see family she hasn't met, yet!

  8. Finding out the sex of the baby at the end of June and going to visit the family for the 4th.

    -Blythe S.

  9. Heading up the mountain and staying in a cabin for a weekend.

  10. I love the tweet print with the green and blue birds.

  11. Plan to go see my brother in Virginia-we haven't seen him in three years and my daughters really want to see their uncle and me my brother! Miss him!

  12. A 10 hour car trip with 4 kids! That ought to be exciting.

  13. We are excited to go to Nashville this summer!

  14. Nothing too exciting... We plan to go fishing a lot and swimming :)

  15. swim lessons with the one year old!

  16. Enjoying every waking second with our newborn daughter and 13year old son at as many free events in the local area:) (Mommy is FINALLY a SAHM!!!! YAY!!!)

  17. I am expecting my first baby in September!

  18. Swimming and hiking.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  19. We're headed to the beach in August.

  20. We are planning on going to the lake this summer! My girls are super excited.

  21. I'm going to camp in a couple days.

  22. My son will be going to Texas to visit his Grandpa and Grandma (my dad and step-mom)! He is super excited!
    jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

  23. Our most exciting summer plan is to have my fiance and my child's first combined birthday party! Their birthdays are right after another, his little one turned 5 today, then tomorrow my son turns 3! This weekend we are having a huge birthday party with his families, my family and my sons dad and his sides of the family :) its going to be great and then we're headed to the Portland aquarium, and finally I get a 4 day break from children lol!

    1. I used to live in Washougal, and we visited the Oregon Zoo a couple times but I didn't realize there was an aquarium! I hope you have fun :D

    2. We used to live in Washougal too!! Small world :)

    3. Amanda, Washougal will always have a small place in my heart :) I feel like we moved away too soon but life circumstances too us to the Seattle area.

  24. meeting thomas the train next week :)

  25. No exciting plans, just hanging around and going swimming on occasion.

  26. We'll be going to a whole slew of car shows for my husbands job!

  27. Peace on earth is my favorite!

  28. We are planning a move back to where I'm from---California! And to do that, my husband has to immigrate through me, since he's a Canadian citizen. So for immigration, we have to go to Montreal for an interview. And we decided to make a trip out of it! Why not? I've never been to the east coast (not even in the US!), and my husband has not seen much of it already. So I'm actually looking forward to our road trip to the east coast!

  29. we're going to North Carolina to visit my parents for 12 days, and one week of that will be spent at a lake house! :)

  30. Just being able to hang out with the kiddos! Can't wait!

  31. My mom is going to come and visit for a month.

  32. We are going camping

    momofmultiples29 at gmail dot com

  33. This summer we are going to the cabin for a mini family reunion.

  34. Family vacation to my family's cottage on the lake! Can't wait!

  35. Our plans aren't super exciting; just lots of adventures around our hometown!

  36. #2 is due this summer. Woohoo!

  37. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the monkey print.

  38. We are going camping this summer for a week! Cloth Diapers and all!

  39. We are taking lots daytrips that double as fieldtrips since we homeschool year round.

  40. My sister is having a baby!

  41. Great idea about using these for mama cloth!

  42. "traveling" to different countries to teach my kids about geography and culture! I'm more excited about it than my kids, I think!

  43. My favorite print is the Meadow Tweets. Love the green!

  44. We are moving across the country - CA to VA- in July. Road trip for our family of 6 plus 2 grandparent helpers. Fun!

  45. Headed to Alaska! Can't wait!

  46. Love tweet print

    Our most exciting summer plan would be for my husband to have a day off.

  47. I plan to take my 4 mo on his first plane ride and road trip this summer to see family! At summer's end we plan to move across country. (Literally!)

  48. Love my other planet wise products would love to try one of these!

  49. Love my other planet wise products would love to try one of these!

  50. Just had baby #2 4 weeks ago, so we will be having a quiet summer. Maybe a trip or two to the zoo & daily walks to the park.

  51. Replies
    1. Congrats, Kenzi! It's a very fun & special time for couples when they are TTC!

  52. Love planet wise! Thanks for the chance!

    laura _ piland (at) hotmail (dot) com

  53. I have a small planet wise wet bag that has lasted me through 2 babies. I've had my eye on those wet/dry ones, though, I'd love to try one out! -ellie (thatelliegirl(at)yahoo(dot)com

  54. I'm going to Switzerland for three weeks!

  55. Ok, I didn't read the instructions before I commented. Summer plans = camping!

  56. Fav print = April Flowers :)

  57. Exciting summmer plan-- annual family beach trip, for the first time with Baby 1 born in May!

  58. moving to NY this summer! It will be a 2,000 mile road trip with a 7 month old in cloth diapers!

  59. No big plans so far. My daughter just turned one and I can't wait to take her to the Point Defiance zoo for the first time.

    1. A Washingtonian! I grew up in Olympia and went to Point Defiance Zoo for school field trips often :) We have an annual pass to Woodland Park Zoo and have already gone 3 times this summer!

  60. swimsuits, diapers, washcloths, dirty clothes, muddy/sandy shoes/socks -- these work for SO MANY THINGS!

  61. We're going to visit family back on the east coast, always a fun time for me and the kids :)

  62. We are probably going to the zoo or the aquarium.

  63. No real plans yet. I do hope to make several day trips to the beach with my family.

  64. Toss up between going to the beach and putting our house up for sell.

  65. fav print: probably the butterflies

  66. Celebrating my son's 1st birthday. Enjoying time with family.

  67. spending time with family, celebrating my son's first birthday.

  68. I love the laughing leaf print.

  69. baby #3 is due in august that is about as exciting as it gets :)

  70. I'm planning on going up north to visit my dad, camping next door.

  71. We are going to the beach with the inlaws. The 8 hour drive with a 3 year old and a 11 month old should be very exciting!

  72. spending lots of time with our new grandson due in 3 weeks and his wonderful 4 year old brother! we are very excited!!!!!!!

  73. Going to OBX! (Outer Banks, NC)

  74. I am hoping to start teaching my two year old how to swim.
    - Patricia B-

  75. Getting a lot done on our garden!

  76. we are going to stay home this year (we usually go to Central America for a good part of the summer) and take a few local weekend trips to Boston, RI and Southern ME to check out fun things to do closer to home.

  77. going to visit family in the uk

  78. We will be doing a multi-day backpacking trip with our dogs in Colorado.

  79. Taking my beautiful little girl to the park

  80. Having our sweet little girl! :-)

  81. We're hoping to go to Greece at the end of the summer

  82. coral sunset is my favorite print

  83. going to the local water park and have a sun filled day getting wet

  84. We got season passes for Hershey Park this summer!

  85. My most exciting summer plan is camping with the kids and grandkids.

  86. a homeschool break! lol. No vacations for us this year.

  87. I'll be going to houston to visit my parents in their new house.

  88. 4th of july bbq and my sons 2nd birthday

  89. We're being boring--just getting ready for our newest addition come fall!

  90. We're leaving in a little less than two weeks to visit my dad in Sanibel, FL. CAN'T WAIT!!

  91. Nothing super exciting lol. So far we have a couple beach trips planned, and we do an annual family camping trip in august

  92. Getting our son ready to study abroad in Australia and having a party to celebrate it. rosans4@comcast.net

  93. Visiting local science centers, botanical gardens, parks and swimming pools.

  94. going to the beach w my family

  95. We are planning to visit Grayton Beach State park in Florida this summer!

  96. No plans. I wish we did but we don't have any extra money. diesel_had_my_baby@yahoo.com

  97. We are taking our new baby girl to visit her grandparents in Florida!!

  98. I really like the Think Peace print.

  99. We just got back from a long two week vacation to visit family. Now we're just going to lay low and make lots of family trips to the beach!

  100. My sister and niece will be back from Europe for a month this summer! and we're signing up our two year old for his first swin lessons :)

  101. We are having our fifth baby in the beginning of July!

  102. We are going to Disneyland!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  103. Our house is going up! They are out there now putting in the footer. 2 cement trucks! I'm so excited! Been waiting a long time!

    1. Yay for new houses! We are hoping to finally move into our home at the end of the summer toO!

  104. River Rock is the one I like the best great bag

  105. We are going to be visiting family in California :)

  106. In August I will be going on my first actual train ride! Other then the tiny train at the zoo.

  107. River Rocks is one of my favorites!

  108. This summer, my nephew came for a week, and then my in-laws came to visit, which was fun. My husband and I are planning a trip to Milwaukee soon with our son, and then our second son is due in the end of August, which is the most exciting!

  109. I like the Outer Space print on Planet Wise

  110. We are a big anniversary party with a band in our backyard!

    1. Congrats, Liz! How many years is it? And is that a Polish last name I detect? ;)

  111. My most exciting summer plan is grilling out with friends and family! Food food food! lol..Wish I could go for a vacation somewhere but we will next time!

  112. We have college orientation in July for my son!! Can't wait-finally get to check out all the campus has to offer :)

  113. we are going to the beach in N>J. this summer, I cant wait!

  114. I like the butterflies print the best

  115. We are taking an 18 hour road trip to visit family and spend time in Atlanta.

  116. I don't have any exciting summer plans yet, but hopefully we'll get moved into our new place!

  117. I like the print in the pictures, I have a wetbag in that one and the Black/White Swirls.

  118. PeaceOnEarth print

    slehan at juno dot com

  119. Vicki Furrin on RafflecopterJune 20, 2013 at 2:00 AM

    I don't actually have any plans for summer. I guess the most exciting thing on the agenda so far is a visit to Wolf Haven, a wolf sanctuary here in WA, about 2 hours away from where I live.
    sweetandtart at live dot com

    1. Vicki, great to meet another Washingtonian! I grew up in Olympia which is not too far from Wolf Haven. We used to go on school field trips there :)

  120. Vicki Furrin on RafflecopterJune 20, 2013 at 2:23 AM

    My favourite print is the Midnight Curl.
    sweetandtart at live dot com

  121. My favorite print is Carnival Skulls!

  122. we are going to go caping and then we are going to taps for the millatry

  123. My most exciting summer plan is going to be camping right on the beach in front of the ocean for a weekend! I can't wait for it!!

  124. Our family is going to a Lake Resort for a family reunion this summer.

  125. My group of friends from high school is getting together ... in Las Vegas, NV! We're renting a big house and all our families are piling in! I can't wait!

  126. We'll be sending lots of time at the beach!

  127. Taking it easy. My husband is a teacher and we can spend some time as a family. Camping, fishing, gardening, etc.

  128. I really like aqua swirl. so pretty.

  129. Hanging out with my baby and gardening!

  130. I have a few baby showers so that will be exciting.

  131. (Leela) We're going to Ashland, OR for a week to visit the folks.

  132. Cindy B (on rc/fb) ~ My most exciting summer plans are spending time with my family (hubby is a school teacher it is so nice to have him home).

  133. My husband and I just retired this year so we plan on going camping.

  134. Nothing super exciting, just plan to work on my garden and try to get in lots of swimming :)

  135. we'll be staying in Chicago and walking to the beach as much as possible!

  136. my favorite print is carnival skulls

  137. my favorite plans are to be able to go back and forth to Philadelphia to be able to visit my new grandson

  138. We don't have anything major going on this summer, other than some weddings we're attending, and planning on spending lots of time on the lake

  139. this year instead of going on a vacation, my family will go to the beach every weekend on our boat :)

  140. Currently, my most exciting plan is to go to the San Diego county Fair

  141. We have a camping trip planned for the fourth of July. Cant wait!

  142. Seeing how I will be pregnant all summer I don't have too many really exciting plans. My son's 3rd birthday is in July so that will be fun though.

  143. We leave for Vancouver on Friday!

  144. we never do anything really exciting, but we have done a conference and a little town fair so far.

  145. Vacation for two weeks with the extended family!!! All 15 under 1 roof! It's the highlight of my year, let alone the summer!

  146. My trip to California and Disneyland which we just returned from was great now going to spend time at the pool and relax...

  147. I love this print - Blue Hawaii
    would match my life exactly..LOL and my pipe dreams of going to Hawaii

  148. My most exciting summer plan is to try to avoid the heat during the last few months of my pregnancy lol.

  149. Planing a trip back home to see my mom for my 25th bday exciting!

  150. Moving back East to be closer to family! :)

  151. ps. I love PlanetWise's madras plaid, tweets, lime cocoa bean and the medalions!

  152. Family reunion, where I don't have to drive!

  153. Family time! Planning a trip to the Smithsonian National Zoo!

  154. We are taking little girl to the beach! :) - Sarah @ Granolaish

  155. All we really do is go swimming and visit the museums...

  156. My husband and I are going camping with my son and his family. Then, we will be bringing my grandson home with us for a week.

  157. I like the Blue Hawaii.

  158. I like the Orange Woods print
