Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Mighty Handle is Mighty Handy!

The sociologist in me laughs because it's one of those things that we all do but never talk about. How many of you can I get to raise a hand in agreement on this? How many of you sport super awesome bruises on your forearms from stacking so many grocery bags on yourself so that you don't make to go back for more? And then throw kids into the mix. You still only want to make that one trip, but now only have one arm... Oh, and then you are pregnant and are supposed to carry less weight. For a second time mom, it gets rough. It's like the fates sitting back there, giggling, plotting different ways to make me go back to the car 4 times for my weekly haul of food (yes, you can sense a little bit of preggy rage building up here).

So when I discovered the Mighty Handle I seriously had one of those immensely gleeful moments where my husband looks at me like.. are you ok? No, I'm not ok - do you know what this means??!! I can carry 50 lbs of groceries in one hand!
What is the Mighty Handle, you ask? It's a anchor shaped handle that you keep in the back of your car to help you ergonomically carry stuff to your house. It can be groceries, dry cleaning, or my favorite - paint cans.
You can purchase the Mighty Handle on Amazon, like them on Facebook and Twitter, and don't forget to vote for them on the WalMart Get On the Shelf program.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary Mighty Handle to facilitate this review, 
though all words and opinions expressed are my own. This post contains Amazon Affiliate links.

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