Thursday, October 31, 2013

Things I Wish I Had Known Before Having Kids: Guest post from Mommies With Cents

Holly is a wife and work at home mom of three littles. She blogs at Mommies With Cents. In her spare time she enjoys shopping, crafts, baking and reading.

I was a nanny for almost 10 years before I had kids of my own. I thought I had things pretty figured out. I got married, we bought a house and we started fixing it up just the way we wanted it. Then we had kids. Looking back, I'd do some things differently. Here are a few examples.Doorknobs. Who would have thought there was a right and wrong when it comes to kids. While these lever knobs look really nice, they allow small children to open doors long before they would learn to turn a standard door knob. Child safety devices for these knobs are not only much harder to find, they're more expensive too. We ended up switching back to regular knobs on many of our doors. Had we known, we would have saved a decent chunk of change by not spending more money on these fancier knobs to begin with.

While we always get compliments on this sink in our "guest" bathroom, it's horrible for small kids. This bathroom happens to be the only one with a bathtub and the one our kids use most often. Right now we don't want to spend the money to replace it but this thing drives me nuts. It's hard to clean under and just not very functional at all. Looking back I would have purchased a normal sink.

As you can see, blinds and my kids do no get along. No, I do not "let" my children do this. It happens at nap time when they'd rather try to look out the window than actually rest their pretty little heads. It was too late after the first time and even though we've had plenty of talks and discipline to curb this behavior, they just can't help themselves. Other window treatment options would be preferable in kids' rooms.

I won't gross you out with a picture of the last one. For some reason I chose a sort of stucco style textured paint for our kitchen. I can tell you that peanut butter and jelly does not easily wash off of wall textured like sand paper. Nor does just about any other food or substance that reaches the wall via grubby little hands. Try as I might, I just can't embrace this "artistic" look.

What are some things you wish you would have known or done differently before having kids?


  1. I was offered a free California King bed the week before I found out I was pregnant - now bedsharing, and I soooo wish I had taken it, despite how big it would have been in our room.

    1. aww, I'd totally kick myself over that! We have a king sized bed and it was perfect for bed sharing for the 18 months we did it with my daughter. Now with #2 on the way, I'm pretty sure we'll still manage for the 4 of us in bed for the early hours in the morning when Penny comes in the room to snuggle :)

  2. next house making sure we get a king size.
