Thursday, November 14, 2013

Your Holiday Card will stand out with Simply To Impress

For the last few years we've been sending out a digital newsletter or card around the holidays. Our living situation sort of demanded it, as we've moved 4 times in the last 2 years. Yea. The holidays in 2010 was the last time we sent out a Christmas card and seriously... I want to send some snail mail again!

Do you save cards from the mail? I do, and have been since our engagement in 2008. Every once in a while I find my special box and actually go through those cards again. Am I weird or just sentimental? It's just so fun to go back and read about what our friends were up to that year or reminisce about how unbelievably uncanny the similarity is between Penny and my now 6 year old niece, Pammy.

There's been one thing I've started to notice over the years though. You know how there's the top 3 or 4 photo card websites that most people choose from every year? Nothing wrong with that - but doesn't it get a little old after a while? That's why I checked out Simply To Impress for our holiday card this year.

Simply To Impress offers a wide variety of shapes, sizes, cut outs, finishes and layouts for your cards. Best of all, they're pretty affordable :) Fancy looking cards for not a super fancy price. Just my style!

And guess what? (cue Oprah voice)
All of my Pierogie Mama readers get 10 cards for FREE!!
Click here:
Simply To Impress 10 Free Holiday CardsDiscount code: 10FREE4ME

We'll be taking our holiday picture soon (I really want that baby belly to pop!) so I'll be sharing our card with you in the very near future :)

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

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