Saturday, December 21, 2013

Set Screen Time Limits with #mc

I participated in a Blog Blast program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kidoodle.TV. I received a promotional item and a free trial as a thank you for participating.

How much screen time do your littles get? Penny will get about 1-2 hours a day, typically broken up to a little in the morning (while I take my shower and get ready for the day) and a little bit in the afternoon while I get some chores done.

This kind of became a necessity when I became pregnant the second time. That first trimester was rough. There were many mornings where we spent more time on the couch watching Sesame Street than I care to ever truly admit - but I remind myself that sometimes you just gotta do what gets you through the day. We've kept Penny's tv time to educational programming and I have to tell you - it's really not easy these days.

Recently I got to try out Kidoodle.TV. It's designed for kids, not just aimed at them, and is easy for kids 12 and under to navigate themselves. I found this to be a cool service because I can really set the limits on what Penny watches - and they even break it down based on age. So during my shower I'm able to set our iPad in front of Penny and she has the ability to choose what she wants to watch.

Kidoodle.TV is available on iPads, iPhones and computers. Each account allows you to create up to 5 individual Kid Profiles - so even in the future when we have nieces and nephews stay the night they each can have their own preferences set. The parental controls allow you to set the filters by age, what shows you want (so if a certain show really drives you nuts you can just hide it and the child won't know any better!).  You can set time limits too - great for older kids. Best of all there is zero advertising within the service. That's been a huge pet peeve of mine even in apps that we purchase because often times Penny will be stopped in the middle of an activity because she's accidentally tapped on the wrong part of the screen and someone wants me to pay money.

Want to give Kidoodle.TV a try? For the month of December you can try it for free and between now and December 31, 2013 you can enter to win 1 of 10 tablets or 1 of 10 Kidoodle.TV year-long subscriptions! To enter the giveaway, go to Kidoodle.TV to sign up for a free trial. Follow the on-screen directions and submit!
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