Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Local Mom Spotlight at Seattle Local Mom Blog

This week I'm the local mama featured on Seattle Local Mom Blog, headed up by Allison and Megan. 

One of my new year's resolutions for The Pierogie Mama is to get more in touch with my local roots. Becoming a mama of two has been a shift in perspective for me - I'm no longer just "trying to survive;" I've ridden the wave of new mamahood for the last 2 years and now I'm about to become a seasoned mama. Oh man. What that means to me is that I'm not going to hunker down, attempting to keep my life in order and have a routine. Routine - schmoutine. Let's get out and have some fun! So I'll be getting out of my comfort zone by going out into the world with my soon to be 2 kidlets and writing about it. A big part of that for me is branching out to my niche - mama bloggers!

So thank you SLMB for sharing my little story and here's to keeping up that New Year's Resolution of mine :)

Check out my spot light and if you're a local, be sure to cruise around the site as well. There's tons of resources for Seattle area moms and of course some non-Seattle stuff too!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the spotlight! I especially loved your pictures. I am not from the Seattle area but it seems like such a wonderful place to raise a family.
