Friday, February 7, 2014

The perfect cloth diaper detergent: Country Save

I've been on my cloth diapering journey for just about 23 months now - I am so amazed at how much has changed and yet really a few things that have stayed constant. We've changed up our cloth diaper routine based on Penny's age and needs, but even through 4 moves in those 23 short months (and vastly varying water types) - one thing has stayed the same: our laundry detergent.

I'm a die-hard Country Save fan. Its single formula has worked for us through hard, normal and soft water. A 10 lb box lasts us well over 6 months, and that's including using it on regular clothes loads too. And I'm not even using an HE washer; I've got a 5-10 year old washer/dryer combo that we inherited when we got married and it's probably not as efficient as most others, but it definitely gets the job done.

The key is that it is a super concentrated, powder formula. It leaves no residue or scent behind - my clothes and diapers just smell...clean. No artificial "mountain air" or "fresh linen" (that one always cracks me up) scents. If I ever want my laundry to have a special scent to it, I just add a little bit of essential oil to my wool dryer balls and its still all natural.

My cloth diaper washing routine is as follows:
  1. Always using the largest water setting, I run a cold/cold rinse without any detergent. This rinses out any soils on the diapers.
  2. Then I run a hot/cold load, filling the provided scoop about 1/4 of the way with Country Save detergent and add it to my hot load. I keep the door open and let it agitate (restarting it several times), so that the cloth diapers have extra time in the hot water and detergent. Then I let the cycle finish up with the cold rinse.
  3. One final cold/cold rinse!
  4. Natural fiber inserts can go into the dryer (with wool dryer balls, never any softener or sheets!), microfiber and all covers are air dried. During the winter I dry them on a rack in front of our pellet stove over night and in the late spring / summer / fall I dry them outside using the natural bleaching power of the sun - aka "sunning."
Country Save is always:
  • 100% Phosphate-Free
  • Completely Biodegradable
  • Safe for Septic Tanks
  • Ideal for Sensitive Skin
  • Fragrance & Dye Free
  • No Optical Brighteners
  • Cruelty-Free
  • No Animal Testing
  • No Animal By-Products
  • Ultra Concentrated Formula
  • Highly Economical
What else can I say about Country Save besides that is is awesome, economical and I don't have to worry about harsh chemicals coming into contact with my family's skin? Oh, it's Pacific Northwest locally owned! I love my local businesses!

Buy Country Save at or 

Disclosure: Thank you Country Save for sponsoring this post, though I only share about products that I truly love! This post contains affiliate links.


  1. I didnt know this was good for sensitive skin. thats great! id like to give it a try

  2. This detergent is wonderful! We decided to use it when our first baby was born specifically because of his cloth diapers and sensitive skin.

    Erin K. (

  3. Love that it has so many green product features - makes it so safe to use!

  4. We also loved it when we lived in a hard water area! Just wish it was easier to find in stores. :)

  5. I've heard about Country Save but never tried it! My daughter is potty training so I haven't done diaper laundry in a while, but #2 is due in June and I'll have to try it on her diapers. Thanks for a thorough review. :)

  6. im gonna have to try adding essential oil to my dryer balls that's awesome!

  7. I didn't know that Country Save was fragrance & dye free. Our current cloth diaper detergent is scented, which always seemed unnecessary to me.

  8. I'm happy to learn that this product is not tested on animals

  9. This is my alll time favorite detergent!! I especially love it because its at our local stores!!

  10. It's nice to know how save it is to use. Will have to give it a try sometime.

  11. I love Country Save! I found it years ago at our local health food store. I buy the big powder box for like $17.95 and it will last almost a year! Totally awesome! It works great for everything too. :O)

  12. I also use Country Save on my CDs and have been satisfied so far. Got a great deal at Sprouts. Thanks for the tip on dryer balls! that's the next CD item i'm itching to try.

  13. I am so new to cloth diapering haven't even started yet just researching, and crossing my fingers on this giveaway. Thank you for the break down on how exactly you wash and use this detergent. I am definitely going to look into purchasing it.

  14. we have used country save in the past (and we love it) but i didn't realize that it is cruelty free! thats awesome!

  15. I really liked Country save when I was using it except that I needed to add enzymes. I love that it is simple, brightener free and unscented.

  16. I know this is older but I was wondering if you could measure how much you use? I just bought a box to try with my cloth diapers and no scoop, so I'm at a complete loss when everything says a scoop or half a scoop.

    1. Kasey, I'm sorry to hear that there isn't a scoop with your box! There's always been one included in my boxes. For a typical load (which is 12 pockets + about 16-18 inserts) I use about 1 1/2 Tablespooons of soap. I hope that helps! Definitely contact CountrySave if you really feel that you need the scoop, the owner Kris is awesome and very helpful!

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