Thursday, June 5, 2014

Father's Day Gift Guide

If you're like me, picking out gifts for the daddy in your life is certainly not the easiest thing to do.

Every year, Penny's gift to her daddy has been a tie that she picks out. I take her to the tie rack and whatever one she grabbed for first has ended up being his tie. The last two years have been a random draw, so I was really interested in seeing what she would pick this time. At 2 years old she now has tastes and finds certain things cute or pretty. This year I was faced with the decision - with two daughters, does the husband now get two ties for Father's Day or does Ruby get to have her own tradition of what she gifts her daddy?

Luckily Adam is a man who loves ties and they are appropriate at his work place - even a requirement on some days. There have been surprise visits by the CEO of the company and engineers will typically pull out their "emergency tie" from their desk. So for our family, the man cannot have enough ties. The tie tradition continues.

This year I took the girls to pick out Penny's choice of tie in person and Ruby's "choice" sent to us by Daddyncompany.You can find a ton of daddy related gear there - you'll probably recognize them from their "I'm the Daddy" scrubs that became popular last year, which are the perfect expectant father gift.

The second tradition that Penny and I have kept up has been a mini photo shoot of Penny in that year's tie, which goesinto a frame that is on her dad's desk. The frame has 3 slots for pictures and we re-use wooden "D" and "A" letters to spell "DAD" each year. With the addition of Ruby, I was so excited to turn this into a sister photo shoot! Keep an eye out for a follow up post - Adam does occasionally read the blog so I can't give it away too early!

Although the ties are practical and he loves them, I also like to throw in a surprise gift or two. Here's what I've had in mind for this Father's Day.

1. Matching apparel. What dad doesn't love to show off his kids by also bragging a little bit about himself? You can find this awesome dad and baby shirt combo on Etsy.
2. Giftcards are always a win. Some people think their lame, but there's no reason why not to include them as a 'stocking stuffer' of sorts. Throw in a $5 card to Starbucks or their favorite not-so-fast-food spot (ours is Chipotle).
3. What gift guide isn't complete without the addition of a high ticket item? Watches may be more of a fashion statement than an actual way to tell time anymore (since cell phones take care of pretty much everything for us these days) but every guy needs a watch. Citizen watches are always a first pick because of their eco-drive technology (no batteries required!!).
4. Another must have for dads, obviously, are ties! This I love Daddy tie is one of my two favorites from Daddyncompany.
5. I'm finally sorting through our decor that's been stuffed away in boxes for the last almost 4 years and am realizing that a lot of it is stuff left over from college. So I'm working on updating our look - which includes tossing out some torn movie posters and replacing them with more ooey-gooey lovey-dovey ones ;)
6. Summer time means more hours outdoors and we all enjoy our tunes, but our cell phones don't have the power to send music across the yard. Portable speakers that link to your phone via bluetooth pretty much fix that.
7.When all else fails.. Irwin clamps. Kind of silly, right? We've used these throughout a ton of projects in our renovation (from clamping cabinet pieces together to a temporary lock on the garage door) and my husband pretty much raves about them. 
8. And this last one I just couldn't resist. Get DoodlePants I love Dad leggings for 15% off with code PIEROGIE15.

Do you have a Father's Day tradition? What would you add to this guide?

Disclosure: I received a promotional item from Daddyncompany in exchange for my review. All opinions expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

1 comment:

  1. I have a tradition of never knowing what to get any of the Dads and my SO lol!! Does that count ;) Those clamps are a great idea!! Love that speaker too!!
