Friday, October 31, 2014

The "green" Black Friday - JBF Lynnwood Holiday Toy Sale

This post was sponsored by JBF Lynnwood. All opinions are my own. Missed the boat on what "Just Between Friends" is? Click here to see how much I love these consignment sales

When you've got 4 nephews and a niece, plus two kids of your own, gift buying for the holidays can really rack up! Finding a thoughtful, meaningful and useful gift is really hard on a budget, especially for large families.  This time of year I strive to save money where I can, but most importantly I want to cut down on the time that I spend shopping. Running from store to store and packing the girls in and out of the car really begins to take a toll on my energy, when the main purpose of the season is to spend it with your loved ones and cherish that time together.  Buying gifts is a little inevitable for the holidays, but my primary focus over the last few years is quality time versus mountains of gifts. That's why I'm so glad that I discovered the JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair last year!

The JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair is a little different than the standard JBF consignment sale that occurs during the rest of the year. This sale puts preference towards toys and holiday items (such as dressier clothes, decor, or winter gear) and has consignors save the bulk of their seasonal items for the Fall and Spring sales. 

At the Toy Sale, you can expect to find full sections of your child's favorite themed categories- such as Sesame Street, construction, dolls, Disney, loads and loads of books, dvds, and so much more. If you've been the the JBF Lynnwood sales at Gold Creek Church in the past, imagine 70% of that space filled with toys! That's a lot!

In addition to the consigned items at the sale, this is also a vendor fair. Heidi, the owner of this JBF franchise, works with many local businesses throughout the area and they get to feature their items or service at this event as well! Last year there was a cloth diaper store, spa and many work-at-home / handmade businesses. It was a fun addition to the sale because you can knock out a lot of Christmas shopping all at one time. And all before December!

The schedule for this year's JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair is:
Friday Nov. 21st 2014 9ap to 7pm

Sat Nov. 22nd- 8am to 3pm (50% off sale from 12-3)
*Free admisison- suggestion canned food donation to Mill Creek Food Bank
Located at Gold Creek Chuch
4326 148th St SE, Mill Creek, WA 98012

Of course, these sales wouldn't be what they are without the consignors! Sign up and also learn how NOT to consign for the first time! ;)

What kind of presents are you looking for this season?

Disclosure: The Pierogie Mama and participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. Winners will be contacted via email and will need to claim their prize by responding to the notifying email within 48 hours. Once confirmed, the prize will be held at check in at the JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair. They will not be mailed to the winner. These prizes are only valid at the 2014 JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair