Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Babywearing at the pool (Beachfront Baby Carriers Review)

One of the biggest obstacles that I've tackled in this past year with having two kids is simply how do I manage both of them while getting on with our lives. With a toddler and an infant, you've got two ends of the spectrum. The toddler wants to be out and free and the infant wants to stay close. Carrying around a heavy carseat or keeping a child on the hip just doesn't jive with my lifestyle, so hands down baby wearing has saved me and my sanity countless times! I really am not sure how I would have gotten anything done if it weren't for the ability to simply strap one (or both!) to me.

Back in October the girls and I piggybacked on Adam's work trip to Long Beach and we were so excited to break up the PNW rain with a few days at the hotel pool. I was a little anxious because it would just be the girls and I during the day and I didn't want that to stop us from playing in the pool. Keeping Ruby on my hip and trying to have free hands to help Penny in the water just wasn't going to cut it. Little Ruby is worn at home all the time, but all of my carriers are made of heavy material. I wouldn't be able to get in and out of the water without gaining 20 pounds of soaked material and it wouldn't dry quickly so poor Ruby be would be cold, even if the weather was warm.

I got the opportunity to try the Beachfront Baby Carriers ring sling and since then this mama is 100% water ready with my two sweeties! Beachfront Baby Carriers offer water compatible baby wearing wraps and ring slings. The material is polyester jersey mesh (think men's gym shorts) so it is very light weight, dries quickly and isn't too stretchy. Because of the holes in the fabric it's also great for hot weather (not like I will get that much of it around here!).

I preferred a ring sling over a wrap because both of my kids like to be carried on the hip and this was a great way to introduce Ruby to swimming in water. She loves the bath but recently has been a little overwhelmed by the pool. I'm thinking it's because of the sounds of rushing water and kids having fun along with unexpected splashes. So keeping her close to me and letting her feel secure with mama allowed me to continue being attentive to Penny and ready in case she needed an extra hand.

Our town has an amazing aquatic center that has a zero entry children's splash pad. Penny has been there many times for swim lessons and just to have fun, but we hadn't taken Ruby into the water yet because we weren't sure if she could stay warm enough. This past weekend she got her first in-water experience and I used wore her in my ring sling so that I could get off the pool deck and into the water with my family. 

Poor little Ruby was pretty overwhelmed with the loud noises of rushing water, kids and music. As long as I kept her close to me, she was pretty settled but still was startled if a kid jumped into the water by us and caused waves or splashes. We tried to let her out of the sling so that we could bounce her in the water or show her that the pool is really just an extremely large version of the bath tub...but all she really wanted to do was be close to mama or daddy. That's totally fine because in her high little perch she was able to see what was going on, take it in and I was able to still play with Penny. 

Over the winter we also got hit with the nasty "crud" that just wouldn't go away. We had coughs, runny noses and no sleep for weeks. I made it part of my morning routine to take showers with the girls; allowing Penny to play on the floor in the tub and I wore Ruby in my Beachfront Baby ring sling. All three of us benefited from the steam in the shower and it helped break up the congestion naturally. Both of my girls ask for extra snuggles and babywearing while they are sick, so this was perfect!

Pretty snazzy, isn't it? I was approached by several moms poolside asking me about it and they were ready to order!

Do you babywear at the pool?

Disclosure: I received product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. 
Please see giveaway details for restrictions.


  1. I would choose the passionberry color if I won :)

  2. I would choose the ring sling, I have never been very good with wrap carriers

  3. I live really close to a lake and spend so much time there in the summer. It would be great to baby wear in the water.

  4. I'd pick a paradise plum ring sling

  5. We have distant plans for Disney one day where we might use this in the hotel pool, but mostly it'll get used all summer at our local pool. We go nearly daily. I have a 10 month old and we hope to have another, it owuld make life a lot easier at the pool!

  6. I would choose the ring sling since we already own a Beachfront wrap!

  7. I would choose the new Island Mango color. I love how bright it is!

  8. I'm more of a wrap fan, but for in the water I think I'd probably choose the sling

  9. I love the Caribbean Blue color - perfect for the beach!

  10. We spend a lot of weekends at the lake, and we have a beach trip planned for October! My now 3 month old will be a lot easier to tote around in the water and I'll have free hands for my 2 and 4 year olds with one of these slings!

  11. i like key lime or island mango

  12. I would choose a ring sling bc I think it'd be less time consuming to get kid on and off.

  13. I think Sky Blue is the most appealling color... not sure, they are all lovely :) :) but I have two boys :) We wear a lot of blue :)

  14. This year hubby and I will celebrate our 5th anniversary and he wants to take the family to the beach this summer to celebrate... I think this will be a must have with an infant and a toddler.

  15. I would choose a wrap in Caribbean Blue.

  16. I love the Caribbean Blue color. I'd choose it.

  17. I would choose a ring sling in white wave!

  18. I don't have any trips planned, but I recently found out that I am pregnant and due near the end of the year. I would love to have one of these carriers for summer 2016 when I'm trying to juggle a baby while chasing a toddler around in the pool.

  19. We don't have any trips planned just yet, but we did just move to a new house and our neighborhood has a spray park! A beachfront baby carrier would be PERFECT for my LO! :)

  20. right now Im thinking Id like a RS. seems like itd be easier to use but I may change my mind!

  21. Id love to have one for a friends baby. we love to go to the beach and this would really help us out.

  22. We go to the beach every summer so this would be great!!!

  23. I would choose a ring sling in Paradise Plum. Probably the XL size so my husband could use it also!

  24. We don't have a specific trip coming soon but we always spend a weekend or so at my In-laws lake cabin in the summer and this will be the first year with a little one!

  25. I would choose a ring sling..seems easier!

  26. I would pick caribbean blue or island mango! ( I like the passion berry but I have a boy!)

  27. No big travel plans (other than camping...) It would be great for the lake or the hot springs by where we would be camping, and also for at the pool here!

  28. Sad that the discount doesn't work

  29. I'd have to try out a wrap ... I couldn't get a ring sling to work for me the first time around

  30. Id choose the wrap so it was more secure for swimming in creeks!

  31. I would choose either the Caribbean blue or Navy Blue

  32. I would love a ring sling! I think I may even go buy one if I don't win!

  33. I love the key lime color! I'm going back home to see my family on Vancouver Island this summer, and the ring sling would be amazing to carry my daughter at the beach!

  34. I'd love to win, but knowing my luck I'm just going to buy one! I'm all set to purchase on their website but your discount code is not working...any ideas? Thanks

  35. I would definitely choose the passion berry ring sling. So cute!

  36. I don't have an upcoming trip, but I live in Florida so the beach days are coming!!

  37. Definitely a ring sling and maybe paradise plum?

  38. We're going to Florida in July!

  39. I am loving the ring sling in Caribbean blue! We have so many plans to be in the water this summer, and this would come in soo handy!

  40. well id use it in the shower half the time! but we have a creek down back and it would be awesome for my littlest. it can be tough to hold her and navigate the rocks!

  41. I would chose the ring sling in Island Mango!! So pretty!

  42. I would choose tropical punch

  43. I'd love to have the ring sling in island mango or tropical punch! With two little ones and one on the way, I'd love to have both hands free so we could actually go to the pool!

  44. I would choose a ring sling in one of the blue colors!

  45. I would choose the Caribbean blue or the Navy Blue

  46. We have an upcoming trip to Gulf Shores this July with my husbands family. This would really come in handy to use with my 6 month old.

  47. Wow! Cool baby pool carrier. Looks simple and comfy for baby and mother.
    While hiking, touring, shopping, walking, watching, exploring or whatever adventure you may have with kids, carrier is very vital if you want your adventure more enjoyable.
