Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Why Supporting Cancer Research is Important to Me? Candice's Story

Over the last month I've been a journey to raise $500 before September 27th to benefit cancer research through the Jimmy Fund Walk and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Last week I was honored to announce that I had exceeded my goal of fundraising $500 and am now on the way to raise an additional $250 (bringing the total goal up to $750)! Today I am honored to welcome Candice as she shares why supporting cancer research is important to her. She is one of the most sincere women than I know and is a fellow chicken mama like I am! In fact, I'd call her my chicken godmother because she taught me so much about backyard chickens. She is also the owner of Comfort Chickens Homestead, where you can find handmade American soy candles that are the best smelling candles I have ever had! Candice and Comfort Chickens Homestead has partnered with my goal and today we are sharing her story about why supporting cancer research is important to her. 
We are still looking for donations to reach our new and improved goal -
please consider pledging $5 or more! 
Donate here


"Yes, I have an emergency!"

Many people don't know this, but I work as a 911 call receiver. On any given day, I take calls from a multitude of people that never expected to have to call for emergency help. They were just going about their day, when suddenly unexpected tragedy strikes.

In the same way, many people don't expect to be relying on cancer research. They never planned to get cancer, and yet they do, and it turns their whole world upside down. When this happens, having people working on finding a cure is the best emergency help they could receive.

I am constantly amazed at how many people cancer affects. It knows no bias or limitation, it holds no prejudice. Man, woman, or child, it does not matter. A couple I went to high school with have a four year old daughter who is currently battling stage 4 neuroblastoma. At four years old she should be having fun, playing with her siblings, and living care free. Instead, she is battling the disease that wants to take her life. This is her reality.

Reality also has another side to it. The reality is there are great people out there working intensely to find a cure for cancer. They are working non-stop to put an end to this horrible disease, and to give people their lives back. But they can't do it without our help. Cancer research requires funding, and that's where you and I come in. While we may not have the knowhow for lab research, we can certainly support them by funding their important work. No amount is too small, and every bit makes a difference.

When people call 911 with a medical emergency, we have to ask about their medical problems and history. It shocks me how many people say cancer. This disease takes root in whoever it can, and no one is off limits. Before I was a 911 call receiver, I worked as a fire safety service technician servicing fire extinguishers and hood systems. One of the ladies in our office was diagnosed with cancer, and within a few months had been taken from us by it. It happened so quickly it almost didn't seem real. But it was.

What also is real is that with funding, researchers are able to continue finding cures and treatments for cancer. They are able to help so many that come to them in desperate need of help. Their work helps families be able to keep their loved ones, friends keep their friends, and the list goes on. With our help, they can continue their valuable work and put an end to cancer. We can fight this together, and win big together. The point is, we are in this together. Lets support one another and make cancer a thing of the past, TOGETHER!

A little about Candice: Inspired by God, country lifestyle, and chickens, I set to work in 2013 hand crafting my own candles.  After much testing, I finally found the perfect combination of wax, fragrance oils, and wicks! From there Comfort Chickens Homestead was born. And the rest is history! All Comfort Chickens Homestead candles are made from 100% soy wax, which  is a renewable resource and burns much cleaner. The soy wax used in CCH candles is made in the USA with crops grown from our very own farmers, is made with pure soybean oil (100% vegetable), is natural and biodegradable, and is GMO free!

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