Friday, November 6, 2015

The Pad Project: Update on Operation Christmas Child

A few weeks ago I shared about The Pad Project; a service project that a friend and I dreamed up to sew cloth menstrual pads to send to girls in developing countries.

Our first goal was to send pads over via Operation Christmas Child, a project funded by The Samaritan Purse. My MOPS group has participated in Operation Christmas Child for two years. This year we have 12 tables of about 10 women each and individual tables chose a boy or girl in a certain age group to prepare a box for. The shoe boxes are filled gifts and items for children are sent all around the world. Kelsey and I saw this as a perfect first vehicle in getting our pads over to parts of the world where girls would need them. The Samaritan Purse allows menstrual products for the 10-14 age group for girls so we asked each table to let us know if they are selecting a girl in that age group. We initially anticipated 8 boxes for girls in that age group, so our hope was to give a minimum of 4 pads per box, with the great hope of giving them up to 8.

Through the awesome donations of material, snaps, PUL, time and prayers we had 88 pads, 40 boosters (thinner wingless pads that can be placed on top of the pad for additional absorbancy), a small PUL clutch that holds 3 used pads at a time, a few bars of soap AND 3-4 pairs of underwear per box ready this morning!

Another great surprise and blessing was...8 additional boxes were ready to get more pads! There were enough extra donated items (such as pencils, sewing kits, coloring books, hair brushes) that filled 8 additional boxes for the girls 10-14 age group. So The Pad Project has an additional goal of making 40-50 more pads to fill those new boxes before the shipping deadline on November 16th.


  1. Opc! Im familiar with that. We love doing it every year. My mom amd i bought multipacks of items and distributed them in a handful of boxes. We were able to get more items for less so that we can bless. The lods are always so thankful to receive anything really. And it works on our hearts as well.

  2. This is so awesome!! What a generous gift and a great way to encourage using cloth too!! A reuseable item is so much better environment and money wise!! Unless of course you get obsessed and buy all the cloth lol ;) Totally kidding!! As a child who great up with very little I can only imagine the financial strain on my mom when my sister and I both started getting our period!! I didn't even know about cloth then but we would've definitely benefited from it!!

  3. This is a great project and very helpful for families in need!
