Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Guest Post: Step Away From The Computer

Thanks for checking out one of the last few guest posts! Be sure to check out my new January sponsor and learn more about how Gerber is pledging to be GMO free. 

In an age where technology is king and has progressed to a point where you don’t ever have to leave your house in order to live, it is more important than ever to make sure we are getting out of our homes and our comfort zones… actually interact with our families and communities!  We “communicate” with friends and family via Facebook and other social media. Send a picture via text and a pizza magically appears at your front door. Movies and television shows are streamed directly to your devices. And you can even have groceries delivered by companies like Peapod and anything else your heart desires by Amazon! With the holiday season is upon us, and what better time than now to reconnect?
So you may be asking “What can I do?” or better yet “How exactly am I supposed to find the time?!?”
Well to answer the second question first… you MAKE the time! Especially if you have little ones. Our children grow up so quickly, and we need to make sure that we are experiencing life with them – and not just in the social media sense!

So pull out your calendar, open up that planner app on your phone, or grab a piece of paper and a magnet to stick to your fridge… and pencil in some time!

Now, as to what can you do? The options are only limited by your imagination:

Volunteer –                     Not only are you giving back to your community, but you are teaching your children compassion and a sense of civic duty.

Schedule a Play Date –   This gets you out of the house and can be either indoors or out. If it’s cold, bundle your little one up and had to the park or an ice skating rink. Or find a fun zone or children’s museum and expand their mind as well as release some energy.

Join a Mom’s Group –      Here is a chance for you to get some “me” time and also meet some new ladies who are in the same chapter of life as you. Grab a coffee, create a book club, or just have a glass of wine and relax.

Plan a Date Night –         As life moves forward, we can sometimes get caught up and forget that “mom” isn’t our only title. Wife is another very important – and I would argue the most important – hat that we wear. After all, when your children are grown and no longer in the house, you don’t want to look across the table and realize that you no longer know the person sitting across from you.
Unplug! –                        Ok, so maybe you can’t get out of the house, but at the very least turn off your phone, TV, computer, tablet, or anything else that could be a distraction! Open a book, pull out the crayons, or turn on the radio and have an old fashion dance party. Just tune out the constant pull for your attention and dedicate some time to what matters most – your family!

Now it’s your turn. What types of activities do you like to do with your family? Share in the comments below and maybe you can spark an idea for someone else.
NonProfit DBA by day, wife/mom/baker all the other hours - Stacie is a Washington State native, DC transplant, and lover of all things creative. Owner and head decorator of Enticing Icing Cupcakes, this mommy baker enjoys sharing her secrets to a sweet life. Check out more of her work at www.enticingicingcupcakes.com.


  1. I need to do this more! With my daughter I try to turn off the tv while sister is napping and play together or do some project together. As our summer gets better more park play dates are in order. But I am a part of a few mommy groups. And I have a friend that I get together with every week and our girls all play together. More dates with my husband are needed though!

  2. We love to go hiking!! Hubby is a hobby photographer and gets to take pictures and my son and I get to explore!! Its fabulous!! I can't wait till he's a little older and we can go on long camping trips and kayak adventures!! My son already loooves kayaking around lakes but rivers make me a little more nervous with him only being 3.

  3. Great post! I definitely think it's very important to unplug and just enjoy your family, especially your children! We really enjoy being outside, it always makes everything mor exciting and fun for everyone. :)

  4. I love this post! Thanks for sharing!
