Monday, January 18, 2016

What to pack in your bag for sight seeing

While we were in Germany we took a few days trips that were just my husband and I. It was a great re-connection as a couple and we got to experience museums and other places that would have been difficult with the children. One of our favorite things to do as soon as we got into a new city was to link up with a local tour group that offers city tours.

Sight seeing for a day and not having easy access to all of your travel belongings means packing your day bag efficiently and keeping it light. Here's a list of things that I made sure to keep handy throughout our travels:

Shoes are quite obviously going to be your best or worst friend. I made the mistake of wearing my very adorable, normally comfortable, flats on a whole day of walking. It only took a few hours for blisters and sores to start up and it really slowed us down. My best shoes were my sneakers that coincidentally had coordinating laces to my jacket!

For those of us who made the mistake of wearing the wrong shoes - keep a few squares of moleskin in your bag. Moleskin attaches itself to your skin easily and creates a great barrier to prevent any further irritation.

Another mistake that I realized too late - even though I got a lovely pedicure the week before, my toenails were a little too long for the hours and miles of walking that we did. My toes were so sore! Keep a toenail clipper in your bag in case you find yourself needing to trim up.

This addition to my bag would have caused me to blush uncontrollably had someone mentioned this to me as being a reality of mommyhood a few years ago. Did you know that 1 out of 3 women experience LBL, or "light bladder leakage," usually associated with childbirth? I can tell ya - this became a serious reality after my second child. I quickly realized that even though I was doing my pelvic floor exercises things are different now and that's ok. But that doesn't mean that I have to limit myself in fear of embarrassment! So I keep a couple panty liners in my bag for those long travel days - because walking up stairs or laughing at a hilarious joke from the tour guide shouldn't cause hesitation on whether I should do it or not. Poise panty liners are thinner and stay 3X drier than other liners and don't feel uncomfortable or show. Whether you are worried about light leaks or heavier accidents, Poise has a product for you. The Maximum Pads are 40% more absorbent than Poise Moderate Pads, for more protection when you need it.

We learned that German businesses prefer to accept payment in cash, which is the opposite of the norm in the US. We had to get over the hump of being uncomfortable with keeping more than 20 cash on us, but in all honesty we never had any reason to regret it. In fact, at the end of our stay at a hotel we were told that their credit card machine was out of order and that we would need to pay with cash for our 2 night stay. Most Americans do not keep several hundred dollars in cash on them, so this was a very interesting situation to traverse!

A scarf is great to keep around all through out the year. During the winter it can help keep your face and neck warm and in the summer it can help shade your face as well. If you're like me - I dress with purpose when I travel. My good jeans, good shoes, layered shirts and my handy Columbia jacket. It's not terribly stylish but it protects me from the elements. When we go inside for lunch in a cafe or later for dinner it's nice to have a bit of pop in a scarf that can help dress you up a little bit from the outdoors.

I always keep a pair of gloves in the pockets of my jacket, I *hate* cold, chapped hands. Smart phone friendly gloves are pretty affordable these days too! Keep a packet of tissues in there too.

Chapstick is my best friend. Nothing ruins my day worse than chapped lips because it very quickly leads to cold sores. As I prepare myself for the day I slide my favorite chapstick into my pocket, so that it's always on me. These days I've been discovering the world of lip color so I've started keeping a tube of lipstick on hand as well! It's another way to class yourself up from the outdoors when you go indoors.

I personally think city maps are a little ostentatious and a big beacon for I'M A TOURIST, but they truly do come in handy. Just keep it tucked away when you're not using it ;) At the end of our city tours I would pull it out and ask our tour guide to circle a few areas of interest or to direct us to the closest bier hall.

On the topic of ostentatious big red flags for being a tourist and sometimes just plain embarrassing, you gotta do it - get a selfie stick. My friend bought one for me before we left and my husband VOWED that he would not appear in a photo taken by a cell phone on a stick. Well folks - here's a couple examples where not only did he break this vow but he also found it to be of good use to get some cool angles on cars at the BMW Museum in Munich. But do please practice proper selfie stick ettiquette. Consider those around you, don't walk down the stairs using it and don't take selfies in places where selfies just aren't appropriate - as my tour guide for Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial said - "If I see you taking selfies here, I take that stick from you and send you on the bus home." I'm only exaggerating a little bit. Or am I?

Finally, where will all of this stuff go? An aunt once told me that on the topic of cars and purses - no matter what size you have you will always fill it. I find this to be enormously true. But consider downsizing your day bag and opting for a messenger style strap. It's harder to tear off of you, which can be a problem in touristy areas.

There you have it! Packing for a day of sight seeing can be as complicated or as easy as you want it to be. What would you add?

Disclosure: All opinions are my own. This giveaway is funded by The Pierogie Mama and is not associated with any other entity, including but not limited to Sam's Club, Poise, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest. Please see giveaway for full rules and eligibility. 


  1. I'd buy easily portable snacks a Sam's Club!

  2. I'd pack a roller bottle with essential oils for headaches. Guessing I might have one by the end of the day!

  3. Hmm funny story? Not a day trip but a day hike where my kiddo decided to go pee in the woods...but didn't pull her pants down. Apparently we hadn't told her that part of the process!

  4. So happy that we were able to spend time with the girls while you were exploring Germany. Love you

  5. I've found some great thick hiking socks at Sam's before and they were fantastic for long days of walking and hiking.

  6. I don't leave home without panty liners!! Ahhh... Motherhood.

  7. I also love adding some collapsible water bottles to my bag. I purchase a large bottle for my room and then fill the smaller ones for my day pack for the morning then refill at lunch.

  8. I was a student in Israel and upon returning to the states, I had an abundance of luggage--including an overstuffed hiking backpack and two old school suitcases that tipped over as I was trying to navigate through a crowded transit center. When I stooped down to bring one of them upright, I did so with the large backpack still attached and quickly lost my balance and ended up on my back. The backpack was so heavy and huge that I looked like an upside down turtle with arms and legs flailing about until I released the straps and rolled off of it. After I got over my initial embarrassment and frustration that others were laughing at me, I also began laughing pretty hard at the entire situation.

  9. I shop in Sam's club for disposals

  10. I like to have hand lotion with me.

  11. I always pack fruits, nuts and water when we go out. The fruits help fill that void until we get home without having them riled up and bouncing off the walls. :)

  12. I also bring any kind of entertainment for the children. Books, activity, coloring or puzzle book. This helps to keep them settled and occupied. :)

  13. One Sunday I decided to go checkout a farmers market I've never been to, I put the address in goggle maps and saw it was about a 10 minute walk from the train station. I was walking for about 15 minutes when I realized I was going in the wrong direction. I walked back to the train station and started out again, once again I realized I was going in the wrong direction. By the time I did figure out the right way to go and got to the market, everyone was packing up. I was so pissed. Walking back to the train station I saw the signs directing you to the market. I laughed all the way home at myself.

  14. I'd buy books to entertain the LOs

  15. The second thing I'd add would be sunscreen, no matter the weather!

  16. I need to buy milk, bananas, and baby food.

  17. I would pack some easy-to-eat on-the-go snacks.

  18. My friends sprayed me with a hose in high school for a Spanish video, and I almost peed myself.

  19. I'd stock up on trail mix ingredients.

  20. I keep water and snacks with me at all times.

  21. I am going to Sam's Club today. I need to fill my freezer with dinners.

  22. Hmmm, when i laughed so hard i thought i would pee? I think it was after Our first son was born, and i was so sleep deprived and so stressed with health issues he had, we were watching random videos online and came across a video of a weird man doing a "happy and relaxed" dance, with forced laughter in there. It was so strange and so funny, i was crying i was laughing so hard!

  23. I need more Gold Fish crackers for my little ones. I just bought bananas and salad from Sam's Club yesterday.

  24. With two kiddos, I need plenty of snacks plus diapers for my littlest one for a day of travel.

  25. Wool socks would be awesome-if I found some of those at Sam's I'd get them!

  26. i would shop for groceries and produce at sam's club!

  27. I would shop for groceries and produce at sams club!

  28. I would add baby wipes to my day of travel! they are great for messes, and clean up!

  29. I almost peed myself when I went to the store with my grandma and she actually got into the wrong car and then yelled at me that my car was dirty inside and it wasn't my car! we still laugh about it to this dday!

  30. AT Sam's club, I would shop for meat and snacks!

  31. I always keep a small first aid kit handy during travel!

  32. Just a couple nights ago, my husband woke up from a dead sleep and sat up and just yelled BIKES! Then he started laughing so uncontrollably that he had the throw up. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.

  33. Believe it or not, they have really good deals on winter clothes! I'd get those.

  34. I've never laughed so hard to think I'd pee myself, but those surprise sneezes will be the death of me!

  35. I'd also pack something to eat.

  36. I love shopping at Sams. They offer such a big variety of things. One of my favorites are the clothes!

  37. I would pack fresh fruits and veggies for a snack to take on the go. They have a great variety of things for snacking at Sam's.

  38. I almost peed on myself--okay if I am being honest I did pee on myself the time I watched my son's best friend fall down one of those huge inflatable slides. They were in high school and I was sitting in the car. The two boys wanted to do the slide before we left. My son went down correctly and when Ryan got up there, he was trying to be funny and did a little spin but lost his footing and literally went tumbling down the slide. I am laughing again as I type this!

  39. I would shop for groceries, like produce and juice, at Sam's Club.

  40. I would stock up on fruit snacks and honey buns my fiancée takes those in his lunch
    megan tilley

  41. I would add some hand sanitizer, baby wipes and some snacks for my little one!
    megan tilley

  42. Im 35 weeks pregnant and pee on myself daily!! Haha! I would shop for vitamins!

  43. I would add baby wipes! They come in handy for EVERTHING!!

  44. When we went to the childrens museums they had these mirrors like at the fair in the fun houses. I dont know why but seeing myself and my husband in them was the funniest thing!! I laughed so hard I cried!!

  45. I would shop for groceries, they always seem to go so fast here with my boys!

  46. I would get gift cards- such a great deal!

  47. I always pack sunglasses in my bag!

  48. My memory is when I told my dad to be quiet as I was on the phone. I picked up my pretend phone and said, "Hello Mickey!"

  49. I like to shop Sam's for things like nuts that are much cheaper in the bulk containers
    Mary Beth Elderton

  50. For our travel bags, I like to pack plenty of lotions and lip balms.
    Mary Beth Elderton

  51. One day I heard a crash, a shriek and the words "Oh S&%T!" come from my 4YO's room (please don't judge...he's a doctor now) So I drop everything and run. As I opened the door, the cat came streaking out of the room. There was an overturned stool. My son was on his bottom holding an arm with an angry looking scratch. He had tried to cut the cat's whiskers. Mind you, it was NOT funny at the time! But I have laughed so hard at that scene answers your question.
    Mary Beth Elderton

  52. For a day of travel, I'd add a charging cable

  53. My wife had me promise I would never tell anyone about that incident.

  54. I would also packtravel size hand sanitizer

  55. Funny moment i laughed so hard I almost wet myself: My son thought wasabi was guac and got him a big heaping spoonful

  56. i would shop for groceries at sams club. i love to buy in bulk.

  57. I would shop for cases of water and paper products (paper towels, paper plates, Kleenex).

  58. When traveling Poise panty-liners can make a world of difference - growing old has its draw backs.

  59. I would buy paper products, paper towels, toilet paper, kleenex.

  60. I'd carry tissues, chapstick and gum in my bag.

  61. We recently had some icy/snowy weather. My husband seemed to forget that and jumped down out of his truck. When he did, he hit a patch of ice and down he went. THe look on his face caused me to lose it. Thankfully he wasn't hurt, because I would have been no help for laughing too hard.

  62. Many years ago, our bathroom next to the garage backed up and started running over - literally all the way down the driveway. My Mom told me to rush and call a plumber for help - I mis-dialed the phone number and didn't realize that I had called an Auto Mechanic Shop. I told him we needed someone to come over right away because "it wouldn't stop running." He said have you tried to turn it off. I told him we did - that we had tried everything. The conversation continued this way until - he said he would bring a Tow-Truck to our address to bring it to his shop and needed our address - and this is when I realized I called a Mechanic and not a Plumber. As my realization occurred to me, my Mom runs in and says when will they be here - I looked at her and hung-up the phone and started laughing so hard I was crying and couldn't speak. My Mom thought some other horrific thing had happened. It took me more than 15 minutes to get a hold of myself before I could tell her what happened.

  63. Shopping at sams, I would buy cookies/snacks etc for upcoming class valentines parties. Sam's has great cupcakes.

  64. The last time I really laughed that hard was recently my brother and sisters were all together and we played Cards against humanity the first time.

  65. That my 2 year old son got into my makeup and for some reason put mascara on his lips. He must have seen me putting on lip gloss one day and thought that is what he had, but it was quite funny.

  66. I would buy their Kleenex Facial Tissue (12 pk). I always need tissues when I'm on the go!

  67. I'd also add in some of the Playtex Sport Tampons!

  68. Every Thanksgiving, we usually stay with my sister-in-law & her husband for a few days. And there are so many jokes & silly moments flying that I'd thankful their bathroom is right down the hall from their family room!

  69. I usually shop bulk frozen food and diapers at Sam's Club.

  70. I would add tissues and a camera to the bag.

  71. I laughed like crazy while camping with my family. We were uplate and scared ourselves.

  72. I buy snacks at Sam's. We love saving money by buying things in bulk.

  73. Some sort of breath freshener- mints, gum, travel toothbrush. I hate having bad breath!

  74. I would love to my kiddo's snacks and chips in the individual bags! They are great for grab and go and are so expensive unless you buy them in bulk!

  75. I would stock up on baby wipes!!or go shopping at sams

  76. I would stock up on baby wipes!!or go shopping at sams

  77. I would also get lip balms!!

  78. I would also get a gift card to sams!!

  79. I would shop for a tv at Sams!

  80. Something I laughed at that almost made me afraid to I pee myself. One time I put out filled plastic Easter eggs for my daughter to hunt for in the backyard. Everytimee she open one she would get upset there was either a quarter or a piece of candy in it! She was looking for big bucks in those Easter eggs! I never laughed so hard ..

  81. I would add some chaptick and sunscreen to my bag.

  82. I always pack a snack, especially trail mix
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  83. I'd also shop for coffee at Sam's:)

  84. spending time with my sister watching funny YouTube videos made us laugh super hard:)

  85. I love Sam's Club produce, so I'd shop for that! DamianMom at yahoo dot com

  86. I love Sam's Club produce, so I'd shop for that! DamianMom at yahoo dot com

  87. What wouldn't I shop for at Sam's club? We would stock up on lunch items, bottled drinks, and paper goods. Also, school supplies and books. The email I check most often is

  88. I would buy frozen meals and paper products at Sam's Club

  89. I would pack granola bars for a day of travel.

  90. My husband threw my pug into a pile of snow. The pug hates snow. He climbed out, shook himself off, and tucked his tail between his legs as he scrambled to the door to go back inside. I scolded my husband and let the pug inside. Immediately upon entering, the pug lifted his leg and peed on my husband's slippers. I laughed so hard because he deserved it.

  91. BIG bag of cheese sticks. They disappear here.

  92. I would like to shop for electronics at Sam's Club.

  93. Gosh, there are so many different memories that make me laugh really hard. I guess one would have to be when my son who just turned three years old learned that when he crossed his arms meant he was mad! It is so cute and funny when he does this.

  94. I always stock up on school snacks!

  95. I would be packing snacks. Normally can't get a mile away from the house without hearing the dreaded I'm hungry...

  96. When my daughter was 3 and potty training with her new big girl undies. We ordered pizza that night and she had just went on the potty so of course we were making a big deal about it and there is a knock on the door. So I go to the door to get the pizza and she comes running down the hallway sneaks in by my legs in nothing more than her undies and says Hi Pizza Guy! You wanna see my underwares?? I busted out laughing. It was some young 17 year old kid who didn't know what to say haha

  97. At Sam's Club, I would shop for Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels (12 rolls)!

  98. For a day of travel, I would also add lip balm, Kleenex, water, & Kind Bars to my bag!

  99. I would shop for toilet paper at sams club

  100. I would pack snacks in my travel bag

  101. A memory that i laughed so hard i almost pee myself was when my son who was like 2 months old had the runs and my husband was changing his diaper and my son just starting shitting everywhere. it was like missels going off all ove the place lol

  102. Our son hid in the basement, & scared my husband when I came out of the bathroom. He really got him good, & I laughed so hard I almost peed myself!

  103. When my bird learned how to purr.

  104. I think Sam's has some pretty fantastic prices on frozen entrees - we also like to go there to shop for parties - buying in bulk is a great idea when you are hosting big events!

  105. I've got to always have food and drink with me (health reasons). Granola bars are great options!

  106. My husband's sense of humor is the kind that makes you groan. Needless, to say, my kids are not amused. My youngest has started telling the same awful joke every time my husband says something "punny". "Hey, there were these two fish in a tank...and one says to the other do you drive this thing?" accompanied by knee slapping and loud laughter. When we had family dinner last week, I laughed so hard at my youngest's son's response to his father that I was crying, shrieking, and almost peeing, all at the same time. : )

  107. Milk! They usually have it a whole lot cheaper than anywhere else

  108. I would actuall y buy my new prescription glasses from Sams club. I hear they have great price and selection.

  109. I always have to carry antibacterial wipes for the kiddies.

  110. Oooh these are all great and many I would never have thought of! I would definitely have to have lotion, hand sanitizer, moist towlettes and a small mirror!

  111. Those are some good suggestions.

  112. These are all great items to take on a big trip like yours to Germany, thank you for sharing! It definitely looks like a great place to visit. :)

  113. I'd pack a great hand lotion. These are all good ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  114. I sure wish I could travel more and see things with my family!

  115. I second the Chapstick and map! Even with a gps, they do die!
