Thursday, May 26, 2016

The last day of my 20's

Tomorrow, dear friends, is my 30th. And I'm not one to make a big deal out of birthdays, I'm truly not, but I find myself with a twinge of excitement for tomorrow. Why? Because my 20's are OVER!!

Not to say that my 20's weren't great. So much happened in that seemingly short span of time and it's framed me for who I am today. I met my future husband right as I turned 21. I lost my dad shortly after. I graduated college, was married, traveled the world with the love of my life, we bought and renovated houses together; we grew our family. I drew a little square on this planet that I call my place, I put up boundaries where I felt they needed to be. I busted through other boundaries that didn't need to be there anymore. We are now settled into our forever home. I found an immense sense of confidence in becoming a mother and it's poured into other parts of me. I am working on encouraging and celebrating that confidence in the women in my life.

I see my 30's being a time where I get to sink further into this person who I've developed. I'm getting to cast away so much of the insecurity, doubt and immaturity of my 20's. It's not to say that I'm perfect now, but I'm honestly perfectly happy with where I am going!

The losses, the gains, the joys and sorrows. All of them I can only attribute to God, and I lay all of these experiences at his feet and thank him for it all! Peace pours out from my heart as I recognize these blessings and lessons.

So with that, I give 20's Bianca a sweet hug and a kiss goodbye. She helped me become who I'm going to be tomorrow; but I'm not going to miss her.


  1. I love your perspective on this. Very well put. Happy birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday! What an exciting time! :)

  3. I love your perspective. I have enjoyed my 30s because I feel as though I am a allowing myself to be so much more the person God created me to be. Blessings on your birthday tomorrow! I pray the same for you!

  4. I'm so proud who you become. There were days when I didn't know what I was doing when you were younger but now I can pat myself on the back for having such a wonderful daughter

  5. Now that I'm in my 30's I realize how young and immature I used to be in college and my early 20's.

  6. Girl you are way more prepped for 30 than I was lol!! I told myself I wanted to hide in a closet that whole day!! Im nowhere I thought Id be at 30 and thats so scary to me!! Happy Early birthday and welcome to the 30's ;)

  7. I felt the same way at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50, and I am sure I will feel the same at 55! Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday and welcome to the 30s

  9. Happy Belated Birthday to you! Thanks for sharing!

  10. You'll love it. But I'll admit I feel a little old now.

  11. Happy birthday!! I love being in my 30s. I feel stronger and more confident

  12. Welcome to your 30s! I feel like my 20s blew by and I sometimes forget my age. Happy Birthday and here's to another decade!

  13. I felt weird about turning 30. Now I am 32 and being in my 30's seems completely normal. I usually feel off about the half decades though, so 35 might feel a bit weird.

  14. I loved turning 30! It feels almost calming to me. Happy birthday!

  15. I turn 26 next week and have been fretting over being closer to 30. But i truly love your outlook on it, as i have also had SO much happen already in my twenties. Its made me who i am as well, but its not by any measure, been easy.

  16. haha my wife is upset she turns 30 in August and I'm 35 and our son is due end of this month (june) or early July... she didn't want kids till her 30's haha oops

  17. What a great perspective! Happy birthday!

  18. I hope you are enjoying your 30s 😃!
