Sunday, March 18, 2018

Spring time! Just Between Friends of Everett- Monroe consignment sale!

Just Between Friends of Everett-Monroe Spring Sale

Evergreen State Fairgrounds, Monroe WA

April 4-7 2018

Spring is right around the corner.. I feel it guys. Because we don't have very many frosty mornings, the sky broke and I saw BLUE, the sun shone down upon me and I started gardening. Yes, spring is coming. It's not here yet, but it's coming soon.

During the winter I totally forgo any kind of deep cleaning outdoors. I snuggle up in my cozy robe at home or scarves and sweaters when we go out and I kind of forget about the general status of my property. The fruit trees are sleeping, dreaming of blooming and bearing delicious fruit, I tuck away my excitement (and anxiety) in growing a vegetable garden and my chickens also take a much deserved break from laying eggs for a little while.

Then March hits, and as I said; the sun shines and this mama gets BUSY. Now that I've got 3 kids, you can imagine my busyness but also how much stuff can accumulate within the home while I allow things to lay dormant during the dark winter months. We spend a lot of time indoors and also pass through Christmas time and my two daughters' birthdays. A lot of stuff is laying around and when I get that spring cleaning bug, I'm going through it ALL.

Kids grow fast and you can bet that almost every season there is turn over from clothes that don't fit, won't make it as a handmedown or likely won't fit the next year when this season rolls around. Toys are left forgotten, no longer interesting or the mind has outgrown it. So as spring rolls in, I begin my semiannual fleshing out of all the things. And I get ready for Just Between Friends.

Just Between Friends consignment sales are a weekend long event that allow local families to consign their baby through teen and maternity clothing and items. It's a win-win for both consignors and shoppers! As a shopper, you have an enormous amount of variety in clothing, toys and gear to choose from at really fair prices. For the family that has items that are ready to move on; consigning is a great way to get rid of that stuff and also get a good return! I've been a shopper for almost 6 years and a consignor for 4 and I have found that most of the time I break even between what I sell and what I buy for the coming season. That's awesome!

At this coming Spring Sale you'll notice a familiar face running the show - Tasha Johnson, who has been a huge resource to consignors and shoppers alike, is now the new owner of JBF Everett-Monroe! Tasha has been a part of the JBF Everett-Monroe event for as long as I can remember and is a wonderful gal to get to know. And she'll teach you more than a thing or two about selling/buying kid stuff! She's the perfect person to move this JBF event onto the next phase; even though our beloved Eunice (the previous owner) will be greatly missed. Be sure to say hi to Tasha if you see her!

I'm excited to continue my partnership with Tasha and JBF Everett-Monroe! She is offering Pierogie Mama readers the chance to win one of three $25 JBF Bucks for this Spring event! Check out the giveaway widget below for your chance to win.


Just Between Friends of Everett-Monroe Spring Sale

Evergreen State Fairgrounds, Monroe WA
April 4-7 2018

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Just Between Friends of Everett-Monroe. 
All opinions are my own. Please see giveaway rules for full details. 
Prizes are not mailed; they will be waiting for you at the event. 

Prizes are valid only for the Spring 2018 JBF Everett-Monroe event. 

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