Friday, August 30, 2013

I'm thankful for breastfeeding through my first trimester

Welcome to the August 2013 Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival: Breastfeeding 

This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival hosted by Authentic Parenting and Living Peacefully with Children. This month our participants have written about breastfeeding. We hope you enjoy this month's posts and consider joining us next month when we share about breastfeeding.


Rewind to last month. I was 8 weeks pregnant. I was tired. Nauseous. But to my 16 month old daughter, it was another normal day - filled with anticipation of adventure and activity.

She was living up the excitement of summer and down to one nap a day - at 10 am. It's too early in the day for my mind to rest, so I resigned myself to the couch to watch mediocre shows or make a weak attempt to blog. I had zero inspiration and at the time hadn't shared about our pregnancy openly so I was drawing a blank on what to write.

It felt like every minute drawing by was an eternity. I knew I should eat. I wanted to eat. But nothing sounded good, I felt the urge to gag at foods that I normally loved. My cravings would come quickly and would have to be satisfied within 20 minutes, or I'd run the risk of turning my nose at it.

When my husband came home I'd sneak away to take a quick 20 minute power nap. But between working hours, Penny and I are running at full force.

My saving grace during the day? I continued to nurse Penny. Neither one of us were ready to wean and weaning because life could be easier for me just wasn't an option. That's not how I parent. The 15-20 minute breaks became such a welcome respite for this nauseated, tired mama. It ensured that when our meals are lacking in my normal exuberance, I knew at least she's getting what she needs. It kept us connected when otherwise I had such a lackluster attitude towards playing that I felt like a borderline bad mom.

...Thankfully, the 12 week mark was a turning point and mama is back in action! Hang in there, first trimester mamas. It'll get better.

Here's a couple resources to share..

Are you a currently pregnant & breastfeeding mama? Tandem veteran? Share your stories in the comments - I'd love to hear them! And you just might be getting a message from me in 6 months when I've welcomed Pierogie #2 and am fanangaling the art of nursing two kids..


Visit Living Peacefully with Children and Authentic Parenting to find out how you can participate in next month's Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival!

Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:

(This list will be live and updated by afternoon August 30 with all the carnival links.)
    APBC - Authentic Parenting
  • Breastfeeding During the First Trimester - Bianca from The Pierogie Mama shares her experience of continuing to breastfeed her 17 month old daughter through the first trimester of her second pregnancy.
  • Night Weaning a Four Year Old - Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama shares how she successfully and gently night weaned her 4 year old daughter this year and how that lead to full weaning on her daughter's terms just this month.
  • Honoring Low Supply Moms with Breastfeeding Support - As a low supply mom, Mandy has worked hard to make as much milk as possible and to give her children the closest thing to CLW. At Living peacefully with Children, she shares her frustrations concerning the use of low supply moms in the attacks against sharing breastfeeding information and support.
  • Vulvar Itching (Pruritis) and Breastfeeding: Atrophic Vaginitis -At Authentic Parenting, Laura writes about a little known condition tied to breastfeeding that can truly mess up your day.

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