Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I've got more important things to do besides wait on my laundry: Woolzies

Have you ever experienced the awesomeness of wool dryer balls? Their awesomeness goes beyond gaining you crunchy mama points, you know.

  • By adding a pack of 6 Woolzies wool dryer balls to your dryer, you can reduce the drying time to about 25%. Me - I've got a dozen. I hate running the dryer and am experimenting with how many balls is too many balls before they don't make an impact on dryer time anymore. Today I washed and dried our sheets which normally takes a couple hours for our king sized stuff (along with stopping, untangling and removing already dried parts)- and it was done in less than an hour!!
  • When you save money on energy, you also save money on buying fabric softener. That's because the dryer balls are karate chopping and kneading your fabrics into submission.
  • Wool allergy? Don't worry - it's not an issue with wool dryer balls. The wool isn't touching your skin and the fibers don't shed.
Check them out online, Facebook and Twitter...
Keep an eye out for a giveaway for a pack of Woolzies Wool Dryer balls 

from The Pierogie Mama in October!

I received a pack of Woolzies Wool Dryer Balls for free using
Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



  1. I find I need about 12 dryer balls to really make a difference. I have found a huge love for dryer balls!

  2. I have really been wanting to try dryer balls to lower my energy bills.

  3. I'd like to use dryer balls to save money on fabric softener and energy costs.

  4. I have a few dryer balls, but I'd love to have more! We are temporarily renting an apartment with a really old and inefficient washer/dryer combo, so anything I can do to save money and time is definitely worth it.

  5. our dryer seems to take an incredible amount of time so I would do anything to get that drying time cut way down! Living in Iowa makes it hard to use the clothes line from about November-March (sometimes even April!) so I'm forced to use the dryer!

  6. These sound awesome! I hate running the dryer for a second cycle to get things dry.

  7. I have been wanting to try wool dry balls to cut down on drying time and to not have to use fabric softeners.

  8. I love that they reduce the drying time up to 25%. That means less electricity which can save my family money!

    Erin K. (

  9. Save time and money that is awesome! I am always having to run the heavier clothes for a second time. This would be a huge timesaver.

  10. I love dryer balls! I used to use the plastic ones to avoid the chemicals in dryer sheets (although the plastic isn't that good either), until I discovered wool dryer balls. Everyone on my list will be getting them for Christmas next year!

  11. I have woolzies dryer balls and while they help to keep thing soft, I haven't noticed any decrease in drying time. I still like them though.

  12. I have 7 dryer balls right now, which really only makes a noticeable difference in smaller loads. I have noticed an increase in the amount of static in the laundry when I use them? Has that ever been an issue for you?

  13. I have never used dryer balls but I have seen nothing but great reviews about them. Great way to save money and be green!

  14. I'm really not sure if dryer balls are for me. I would try them if i found them for cheap/free, but I'm really happy with using dryer sheets:) I only buy dryer sheets 3 times a year, a grand total of $10 and I don't have to worry about losing them. And our electricity bill is only $16 with the heater on last month. I LOVE saving money, but this just doesn't cut it for me. Sorry:/

  15. I currently use dryer balls and love them :) They have decreased the time it takes to dry my laundry, and I love that they are cloth diaper safe!!

  16. I've never used Wool dryer balls before, but I'd like to try them to cut down on drying time & energy costs!

  17. We use these and I think they make more static now lol. but im still glad I have them and will keep using them since the are natural .

  18. I would love to try to replace the super scented fabric softener that we use at home

  19. what a great cost savings. Have never found a great one to use.

  20. I would love to try these, our laundry is always so static-y :(

  21. I think they would cut my diaper drying time down!

    -Hannah Avery

  22. Love my woolzie dryer balls, added bonus the kids chase them around when they bounce out of the dryer!

  23. This is the 4th review ive seen on these this morning! I need to try them!

  24. They cut the drying time and are so much healthier to use then the sheets.

  25. I love my dryer balls! They really speed up the drying time.

  26. I'd like dryer balls to reduce drying time aka save electricity aka save money

  27. I really need to try these, I have a pellet stove so I hang things on racks at night during the winter and outside in the summer. But I still have to use the dryer in the winter for the sheets and it take forever. Love to cut down on the drying time :)

  28. We actually use Woolzies and need more since ours are over a year old
