Saturday, May 3, 2014

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street LIVE?

Today we saw a show that we've been anticipating for a long time...

Sesame Street Live!

Penny LOVES all things Elmo. Her love for this furry little red guy started during my first trimester with Ruby. This mama was soo tired and there may have been a couple weeks where we watched at least 3 Sesame Street episodes a day. I'm not ashamed to admit it, we've all be there at one point or another!

Our local events center; the Comcast Arena in Everett, is showing; "Sesame Street Live - Make a New Friend" this weekend and there are many other showings that might be near you too. We had a ton of fun not only because this was pretty much Penny's dream come true to see her favorite Sesame Street characters live but also because the acting and dancing were actually pretty good! My favorite dancer was the Cookie Monster character..that guy definitely has some groove and you can tell he (or she!) loves what they do.

The show was about an hour and a half long including a 15 minute intermission. You can buy memorabilia as well as many other concessions throughout the show.  Penny had her first taste of cotton candy and definitely suffered from a very strong toddler sugar crash towards the end...normally I try to avoid these kinds of foods but as a once in a while treat (as Cookie would say), I had to give in.

The plot is about Grover inviting his friend, Champki, from India and he has a long list of things he'd like to show her in the one day that she will be visiting Sesame Street. It turns out that she'd much rather have fun with all the Sesame Street friends and the big finale is Champki and the friends putting on a cute dance for Grover that shows off some of Champki's dance moves from India. There's several covers of pop hits (a Maroon 5 and Katy Perry song) which keeps the adults chuckling too. ;)

My favorite part was seeing the look on Penny's face when Elmo first came out. It was a couple minutes into the show and up until that point she was definitely interested and intrigued, but the pure joy and excitement really came out when Elmo pranced onto the stage. From that point on, the smile never left Penny's face and she would excitedly point out each of the characters as they came on stage and clap enthusiastically at the end of each number.

Mom of two littles tips:
  • Diaper bags are allowed inside; they do a quick check at the door but didn't say anything about the snacks and water that I had packed.
  • Photography is encouraged, but videos are not allowed.
  • The arena gets dark during the show, so nursing was pretty much a breeze. 
  • That's Ruby in our Boba 4g carrier - which we love!
  • Have hubby scout the men's room before the start of the show to see if there is a changing table in there. Then at intermission, send Dad to do the diaper changes because you know the women's bathrooms are going to be packed! (I didn't think of this ahead of time, but managed to beat the intermission bathroom rush and got a changing table)

Oh, and silly husband quote: "I don't think I've ever seen so many toddlers, infants, pregnant women and nursing moms all in one spot before!"

Disclosure: Comcast Arena in Everett WA provided my family with free tickets so that we may enjoy the show. We loved it and hope you do too!

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