Friday, May 2, 2014

Dear New Sisters

Dear Penny and Ruby,

It's been about 2 months into the start of your lifelong journey of sisterhood. Your age difference of two years seems like eons right now, but I know that in a very short time that it won't be that much different at all. This Mother's Day Pampers has asked me to write a love letter to my children...after all, I have them to thank for making me into the Pierogie Mama that I am today!

On the night that you were born, my heart was so full of love that it nearly burst out of my chest. When your daddy and I were freshly married, all of my heart belonged to him. When we knew it was time to start a family we were so excited to meet our future children. What we didn't know about love back then is that love doesn't get spread around. By spreading love, that means it can get thin in some places and you might run out. Love multiplies. Over and over. The love we have between us grows exponentially for each other and our children. When we had your big sister my heart grew to give Penny love too. Now that you are here, my heart is so full of love that it bursts several times a day. God placed you into our family and I couldn't be happier to have you with us. 

Your big sister loved you from the very beginning. She was so excited to meet you, and often asked me "Baby Woooby home soon?" Or if we were going to go to the "baby house" (the birth center) that day. Though she couldn't possibly understand the full meaning of what was to come, I know that once she laid eyes upon you that your bond together was solidified. She protects you, shares with you and gives you so much love. It couldn't have been easy giving up the spotlight of being the only child, but she did it with such grace.

Though I know it may seem like some days that it feels like you just need to hurry and grow up so that we can all play together, trust me in that I love and accept you for whatever time you need to grow. Take your time, sweet girl, stay mama's baby for as long as you need. But don't hold off too long, your sister is waiting to share all of these wonderful things that the world has to offer that she's discovered. 

You've probably experienced the biggest change of all. You and I have to work harder than anyone else to incorporate Ruby into our lives. You went from being my one and only to getting a lot of responsibility put on your shoulders. There's a lot more expected of you now that you're a big sister, and I know it isn't easy every day. Even with your long legs that take you anywhere you want to go, your gorgeous blue eyes that can easily melt your daddy's heart and your big toddler will power that sometimes clashes with what mama needs you to do at that moment, I still remember you as my baby girl. My first, my beloved. My best friend. We have so many fun adventures together and we're doing pretty well with your little sister in tow. Though it isn't easy all the time, I want you to remember that your mama loves you and that I'm so proud of you. My love for you only grows, not divides, with the addition of your sister. Though we may not have all the one-on-one time together that we used to, it's only a matter of time before you and Ruby are playing together.

Love you both with my big swollen heart,

Disclosure: I received a promotional item in exchange for this post. 
All opinions expressed are my own. 


  1. I agree we need to end the mommy wars. I also cloth diaper but everyone else in my family and my close friends all use disposable. I know many times my sister struggled to buy diapers and cloth would never have worked for her family. I appreciate your support for those families in need.

  2. That's how I felt and feel about you guys best feeling ever .love you baby you are a great mama

  3. You're right - there's no point to the mommy wars! We all need to support each other, no matter the choices we make. I cloth diaper too, but I would never judge another mom for using disposables. On another note, your letters to your daughters are beautiful. And they definitely made this pregnant mama cry. :)

  4. We all have to do what we gotta do as moms and parents. I cloth diaper and do disposables when I can afford them. I prefer disposables over cloth. But we struggle with one small income and make the best out of what we have for our two girls.I just love my babies and do what I think is best for them and use whatever resources that I have.

  5. What a great keepsake for your littles as they grow. Such heartfelt words, I should write a letter to my LO.
