Friday, October 31, 2014

The "green" Black Friday - JBF Lynnwood Holiday Toy Sale

This post was sponsored by JBF Lynnwood. All opinions are my own. Missed the boat on what "Just Between Friends" is? Click here to see how much I love these consignment sales

When you've got 4 nephews and a niece, plus two kids of your own, gift buying for the holidays can really rack up! Finding a thoughtful, meaningful and useful gift is really hard on a budget, especially for large families.  This time of year I strive to save money where I can, but most importantly I want to cut down on the time that I spend shopping. Running from store to store and packing the girls in and out of the car really begins to take a toll on my energy, when the main purpose of the season is to spend it with your loved ones and cherish that time together.  Buying gifts is a little inevitable for the holidays, but my primary focus over the last few years is quality time versus mountains of gifts. That's why I'm so glad that I discovered the JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair last year!

The JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair is a little different than the standard JBF consignment sale that occurs during the rest of the year. This sale puts preference towards toys and holiday items (such as dressier clothes, decor, or winter gear) and has consignors save the bulk of their seasonal items for the Fall and Spring sales. 

At the Toy Sale, you can expect to find full sections of your child's favorite themed categories- such as Sesame Street, construction, dolls, Disney, loads and loads of books, dvds, and so much more. If you've been the the JBF Lynnwood sales at Gold Creek Church in the past, imagine 70% of that space filled with toys! That's a lot!

In addition to the consigned items at the sale, this is also a vendor fair. Heidi, the owner of this JBF franchise, works with many local businesses throughout the area and they get to feature their items or service at this event as well! Last year there was a cloth diaper store, spa and many work-at-home / handmade businesses. It was a fun addition to the sale because you can knock out a lot of Christmas shopping all at one time. And all before December!

The schedule for this year's JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair is:
Friday Nov. 21st 2014 9ap to 7pm

Sat Nov. 22nd- 8am to 3pm (50% off sale from 12-3)
*Free admisison- suggestion canned food donation to Mill Creek Food Bank
Located at Gold Creek Chuch
4326 148th St SE, Mill Creek, WA 98012

Of course, these sales wouldn't be what they are without the consignors! Sign up and also learn how NOT to consign for the first time! ;)

What kind of presents are you looking for this season?

Disclosure: The Pierogie Mama and participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. Winners will be contacted via email and will need to claim their prize by responding to the notifying email within 48 hours. Once confirmed, the prize will be held at check in at the JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair. They will not be mailed to the winner. These prizes are only valid at the 2014 JBF Lynnwood Toy Sale and Vendor Fair

Friday, October 24, 2014

Busy Mornings are tough #BringHillshireHome

This is a sponsored post for the Mom It Forward network. All opinions are my own.

This morning I found myself elbow deep in ground turkey.

It seems to be a season of new babies in my MOPs group, and one of my favorite ways to serve others is to prepare meals. Especially for new moms.  And somehow I signed myself up to bring dinner to two families this evening, in addition to cooking for my own, so my day started EARLY.

And I was presented with this option.
An epic battle between two breakfast foes, am I right? Sweet, evil indulgence vs. healthy, light and good for you.

Any other morning, I would have had a really hard time making this choice, ladies. Because I *always* opt for chocolate. Always. But this morning (and afternoon, as it turned out) required my full attention in juggling meatballs, bacon, peach muffins, Dinosaur Train, and diaper laundry. Oh, and wearing a 18 lb infant on my back. Sure, that donut would have satisfied a craving and given me a little bit of energy. But halfway through the muck of ground turkey, I would have realized that it isn't enough and then I'd have to carefully wash up while my sugar high quickly crashed and I'd be left shaking, wondering what I can do to fix this. Because I didn't take care of myself.

Luckily earlier this week a JimmyDean coupon (a Hillshire Brands product) came across my Just For U app and I snagged it, knowing that not every morning is perfect and allows me to take my time to sip my coffee and eat my breakfast.

So prepping breakfast this morning took 3 minutes, which allowed me a couple seconds to collect my thoughts, think about the ingredients that I'd need to pull together and get started with like zero breakfast clean up.

Was it tasty? Yes. Was it quick? Yes! Did I have the energy to get through my 3 dinner preps before lunch time? YES, YES!

Check out these other delicious recipes from other bloggers!
Glazed Sausage Waffle on a Stick
Pancake Sandwiches
Breakfast Eggrolls
JimmyDean English Muffins
Kielbasa with Apples, Potato and Peppers
Breakfast in 5 minutes
Apple Cider Braised Red Cabbage with Kielbasa
Smokin' Sausage, Eggs and Potatoes for Breakfast

Peewee Cheerleading - Safety is the key!

My 7 year old niece is in her third year of pee wee cheer! Miss Ella is the first grandbaby on my husband's side, and all of us aunties and uncles have a very special place in our hearts for this girl. It blows me away that she does big kid things like goes to school, does VBS, wears glasses and is a third year cheerleader. Woah. Where did all this time fly?

Just like any other sport, cheerleading is a physical activity that tests the strength, endurance and motivation of its players. Being vigilant of each of the girls in their stunts is a big job for the coach and assistants - and Ella is very fortunate that not only is her coach a nurse but also her mama!

I talked to my sister in law about her goals as a peewee cheer coach - 

We as coaches all go through Heads Up Concussion Prevention training. Cheerleading is actually one of the top sports for concussions! As a coach I will only let the girls have both feet off of the ground if they have permission from myself or my assistant. As pee wee cheerleaders we are in the learning fundamentals phase of the sport and we focus more on the girls learning proper safety techniques and motions. At this age they know the job of the bases, the back spot, and the top girl. All of our coaches have participated in stunt safety certification as well. CPR and first aid are required and it doesn’t hurt that our coach is a nurse and two of our parents are nurses too! My goal for the season is not to make elaborate pyramids of seven and eight year olds but to have a group of seven and eight year olds that can tell me that the job of the back spot is to protect the top girl’s head, neck and shoulders :) As they move up in the program they will start to do basic stunts and work their way up to the elaborate pyramids that cheerleaders are known for. I strive to give these little ladies rock solid fundamentals so that when they are allowed to take both feet off the ground they will be safe and happy. At the beginning of the season I welcome my parents with a letter that outlines what my goals are for the season and keep communication open throughout the season so that they know what my expectations are. Safety is always at the top of our priority list and as a result I think that out families feel confident that we will give their child an opportunity to have fun, learn fundamentals, and above all be safe and have fun. We have never had an injury in our three seasons as pee wee cheerleaders :) with the exception of bee stings! 

I've partnered with Alfac to share a few tips on how to help kids (and adults!)
stay safe while playing sports.

1. Wear your gear! It's there for protect you in case of an injury and to keep your fellow players safe too.

2. Follow the rules! They're also put in place to make sure everyone has fun safely. 
3. Listen to your body. This is a fundamental that players have to learn early. It's not fun to sit on the sidelines, but if you ever feel pain or discomfort while playing you should always tell your coach or a grown up immediately.
4. Listen to the doctor. They will let you know when it's ok to play again, because the last thing you want is to have to take more time out of the season because you went back in too early!
5. Make sure you're covered. 
Accidents happen. When unexpected injuries happen on the field, make sure you’re prepared with supplemental insurance to help cover out-of-pocket expenses. According to the 2014 Aflac WorkForces Report, 66 percent of U.S. workers could not afford the costs associated with a serious illness or injury. That’s why voluntary insurance plans are so important. In the event of a serious injury, they help provide peace of mind and cash benefits to help you get back in the game fast.

Enter to win the #AflacSweeps!
If you're a college football fan, you will want to check out this sweeps!
Three fans will win a prize of a trip for two, two tickets to one of three college football games in November and a chance to meet Desmond Howard!

Enter once per 24 hours on Facebook; for bonus entries, share on Twitter. Enter today and then
spread the word to let your friends know it’s #GameOn!

Click to enter 

Disclosure: I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

JBF Lynnwood: The Sale is ON!

This week has been a busy one! Besides recovering from 4 days in California, followed by the Enchanting Fall Ball and a family pumpkin carving day...I still had to prepare for my second time consignment at the Just Between Friends of Lynnwood sale on Tuesday night! Eeep! Thankfully all the hard work had already been done when my first time consigning, so all I was doing this time around was adding to the pile and getting it over to the event location. But still...things rarely go perfectly and of course there had to be a little bit of excitement during drop off!

But once I dropped off my items and put them on the racks, I breathed a huge sigh of relief because that meant the rest of the week was going to be easy-peasy. All I had left do this week was shop at the sale, cook a few meals for some new mamas and then pick up my unsold items on Saturday. Whew! Whoever said that sometimes you need a vacation after your vacation hit the nail right on the head.

As always, I love to share about some of the great deals I snagged and give you a peek at what is in store at the sale. 

I know I say this every time, but this time I got such a great deal! One of the benefits of being a consignor at JBF is that you get advanced viewing of what is for sale the next day ;) While hanging my items and dropping off my toys, I keep an eye out for what is for sale and benchmarking if my items are priced correctly. My friend pointed out a fabulous red retro play kitchen set that I knew Penny would love, but also knew that it would probably go very quickly. You see, consignors and volunteers have access to pre-sale hours, so not only does it pay to consign and volunteer (volunteers get a higher percentage back on their sales), but it also gives you a heads up on what is at the sale! If that's not motivation, I don't know what is!

So I took a look at this adorable kitchen set and it was priced at $6.00. $6! I examined it, everything looked pretty much brand new and sighed a sad sigh, knowing that someone else would snag it before I would the following day.

I bet you can tell where this is going - I GOT IT! By the time I showed up to shop, the little red kitchen was still there and I quickly flagged down a volunteer to set it aside for me. 

The JBF Lynnwood sale this season is literally overflowing with items! You've got rows and rows of clothes (I didn't see any size for boys, girls or maternity that seemed under represented), Halloween / dress up costumes, shoes, baby gear (several very discounted Ergos, I might add) and toys galore. 

So get yourself down to Gold Creek Church in Mill Creek, starting today! Be sure to check the full sale schedule - there are special pre-sale times for first time parents, military families, MOPS groups, and more!

Fall 2014 Public Sale Hours:
Thursday Oct 23: 12 - 8pm

Friday Oct 24: 9 - 7pm
Saturday Oct 25: 8 - 2pm (Half Price Day!)
Gold Creek Church, Mill Creek WA
4326 148th St SE, Mill Creek, WA 98012

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by JBF of Lynwood. All opinions are my own!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Enchanting Fall Ball

Imagine, if you will, a room full of little girls singing "Let it go" all at the same time. It was so unbelievably precious that it marked the roughly 10th time that I teared up (thanks residual postpartum hormones) at the Enchanting Fall Ball that Adam and I took our girls to this past Saturday. Penny was dressed as Elsa (thanks to Great Pretenders for providing her dress for this occasion!) and Ruby was a very chubby, squishy and delightful Snow White.

Enchanting Princess Events, whom I introduced to you back in August, hosted their 3rd annual Fall Ball at the Marysville Opera House and just like my first impression of the great group of women who run this business, I was blown away at the authenticity and detail of their work for this event. Enchanting Princess Events isn't just a dress-up / rent-a-princess gig. Each of the actresses embodies her character and really puts on a show for the kids. When you meet Beauty, Rapunzel or either of the Ice Sisters, it's truly like you've met the character in real life. Watching the magic happen in Penny's and my 7 year old niece's eyes was something that I'll never forget. 

Before I get going, I wanted to take a moment tell you about a part of Enchanting Princess Events that I'm not sure everyone knows about. Lianna (owner and who plays Beauty) makes it her main focus for her business to give back to the community.  In addition to regularly 
visiting the Seattle Children's Hospital, and participating in Make a Wish events, all of the proceeds from the Fall Ball benefit the Children’s Museum of Skagit County and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Snohomish County. You can book these lovely ladies for parties too, but I think that their charity work is definitely worth highlighting!

So let me get the show on the road and tell you all about the fun that we had!

Upon arrival, the princesses are escorted down the aisle by a few charming princes. The first part of the event is a meet and greet with each of the nine princesses. Each princess is set in her own environment - so Sleeping Beauty was near a spinning wheel and served crown cookies, Snow White had a mirror and served mini cupcakes that looked like apples, the Mermaid served goldfish and Rapunzel was accompanied by her handy cast iron skillet, of course! Elsa and Anna took over the entire downstairs of the Opera House and turned it into Arendelle. 

The second half of the event was dancing. Each of the princesses took over the dance floor and the kids got to dance with her to her signature song. When I was Penny's age, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast were the two big princess movies of the time. Nowadays, little girls seem to know these songs but what really got the screams going was when Rapunzel's song came on... and true to form, the Ice Sisters made a dramatic entrance with a singing match of "For the First Time in Forever." 

The event ended with the singalong of Let It Go. 
This picture is what made it worth it. In Penny's eyes, she literally got to meet Anna, Elsa and all of her other princess role models. That is true belief in her eyes. It's really hard not to go on and gush about how realistic this event was, even for an adult. I suppose one of the best compliments came from my father in law, who has been to Disneyland at least 100 times (I'm not joking). Taking in all in, he simply said "This is the real thing. These women look more like princesses than anyone else I've ever seen."

So there you have it! Fall Ball 2014, under our belts. Can't wait for next year! If you're in the Seattle area, this should definitely be on your calendar. 

Check out more about Enchanting Princess Events:

See more pictures from the event..
JW Photography, official Fall Ball Photographer
Becka's Cupcake Boutique created Sleeping Beauty's crown cookies 
Mandy's Custom {cup}cakes created Snow White's apple cupcakes - which my little Ruby thoroughly enjoyed.

Disclosure: Our family was invited to the Enchanting Fall Ball in exchange for sharing about my experience on the blog, no other compensation was provided. As always, I wouldn't share about this if I didn't absolutely love everything about it! Thank you so much, Enchanting Princess Events!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cricket + Pitbull + Enrique #stsa

I participated in Influencer Activation on behalf of Millennial Central for Cricket Wireless. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.

One of the many ways that my husband and I have been able to support being a single income family is by ditching our contract cell phone plans. After being under contract with other carriers for several years, we found that we had almost no benefit to staying when we saw all the other affordable options out there that offer the same service as our contract plan did...for less! Saving money and keeping our calling freedoms is definitely something to smile about, right?

Cricket Wireless aims to give people something to smile about too! (#STSA). In addition to many other events that they sponsor, we can add the Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias tour to their list of awesomeness!

But it doesn't end there, here are some more great fan experience events awaiting at the concert!

1. At select tour stops you can find the Cricket Stage - where you can show off your best "headliner" pose. Share your image via "share kiosks" and your photo will be entered into a sweepstakes where a winner and 3 guests will get a trip to the Miami Latin Grammy Street Party. What what? 

2. VIP Meet & Greet - A backstage VIP area will be set up backstage. Meet&Greet participants will get to meet Pitbull or Enrique and take photos on a Cricket step & repeat.
3. Selfie Station - Mirrors in the ladies room encourage fans to snap selfies and post to their social channels. They can take pictures of all the fun they are having at the concert to share with friends.
4. Ask Enrique – Fans can win a trip to the Pitbull and Enrique tour stop in Atlanta, meet Enrique in person and ask him that burning question they have.
5. Hologram Standee Billboards - Located at high-traffic spots within the activation venues, holograms of Enrique and Pitbull will create completely lifelike images of the musician for concert goes to check out! The future has truly arrived, right?

Here's a list of the tour stops:
10/10, 2014 -- Los Angeles, CA -- STAPLES Center
10/11, 2014 -- Los Angeles, CA -- STAPLES Center  -- 
10/12, 2014 -- Las Vegas  -- Mandalay Bay Events Center
10/14, 2014 -- San Jose, CA -- SAP Center at San Jose
10/15, 2014 -- San Diego, CA -- Valley View Casino Center
10/17, 2014 -- Dallas, TX  -- American Airlines Center
10/18, 2014 -- San Antonio -- Alamodome
10/19, 2014 -- Houston, TX -- Toyota Center
10/22, 2014 -- Atlanta, GA -- The Arena at Gwinnett Center
10/25, 2014 -- Hollywood, FL -- Hard Rock Live
10/26, 2014 -- Miami, FL -- AmericanAirlines Arena
10/28, 2014 -- Orlando, FL -- Amway Center

Do you live near any of these concert venues? Give me a shout if you'll be at the concert, I'd love to hear what you think of the Cricket experience!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

How I met your father #mymikesmoment

I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for mike’s hard lemonade. I received a Circle k gift card to facilitate this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Kids, have I told you about the time that your father and I met?

In Spring of 2007, my dad had battled cancer for 9 years. I was going to college about 2 1/2 hours away from home, and I knew his time was running out. I drove home every chance I got to spend a little more time with him.

One afternoon in May, as I was parking my car at school to go to work, I stopped to ask the driver of the car parked next to me if I had parked with enough space for him to get out. I'm not sure why I was concerned, I knew I had given him enough space. Maybe it was because he was driving an SUV and I was only thinking about the preservation of my car from a door ding. The driver got out of his car, gave the parking spots an obligatory glance, and he gave me a brilliant smile and said that it was fine.

I had an awkward girl moment. I blushed and rushed on my way.

When I walked back to my car that evening, there was a note under my wiper. I groaned..thinking that in fact there wasn't enough space for that guy to get out and he left my a note telling me that he bumped into my car or something.

Instead it was a note wishing me a great weekend with the guy's full name.

And thus, millennials, if you are on the same page as I am, leaving one's full name is certainly an invitation for a facebook stalk and so once I got home I hopped onto my laptop and looked him up.

I wasn't looking for a relationship, but I gathered that he had suffered a loss recently and thought that we can be a support to each other. Tentatively I sent him a message, and eventually our conversations transitioned to almost hourly messages via myspace and later texting. A week later we met for our first date.

The romance followed and my father passed away 3 weeks after we met. It is an indescribable loss. And yet, I remind myself in those hard moments that nothing happens on accident. God placed us into each other's lives when we needed it the most. My dad and I shared the mantra "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade," and I couldn't have thought of a sweeter story that started with a bunch of life's lemons.

October is the month where many of us take a moment to honor the battle with cancer, especially with breast cancer. But cancer (of all types) doesn't take a break between November - September. There's tons of way to donate towards cancer research, and Mike's Hard makes the commitment to donating and raising awareness too. Consider buying a case of Mike's Hard pink lemonade to get a portion towards breast cancer what's better than enjoying a brew and feeling good about it too?

Tell me about your #mymikesmoment!
Check them out on Facebook & Twitter

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Boba Mini Review & Giveaway

This post was originally a part of the Travelin’ with Baby Giveaway Hop Event

Babywearing. That's me, all day every day. Can't stop, won't stop!

It's so ingrained into our daily life that whenever the girls and I get ready to leave the house, Penny always starts the check list: "Mama, here are your shoes. I need my water. Don't forget the Robot!"

...The "Robot" is our Boba 4g carrier, which has been the primary carrier for Ruby. Anywhere we go, the Boba comes too and the freedom that it's given me to keep up with Penny and always have Ruby close has been invaluable. I honestly don't know how parents get by without wearing their littles. Besides the ability to play with Penny, babywearing gets dinner done, keeps the house kind of clean, soothes owies, nurses on the go, and is a mobile nap spot. Babywearing is my BFF.

So it comes as no surprise that eventually Penny would want to mimic mama with her baby doll. We tried a homemade wrap but Penny insisted that she needed a "Robot" too, so our good friends at Boba sent us a Boba Mini carrier for Penny to review!

The thing I love the most about the Boba Mini doll carrier is how it is pretty much exactly like the 4g. It has all of the same straps and even a little pocket to put treasures in. I was able to get the fit just right, even for a small frame like Penny's.

Many view doll carriers as something cute or as a way for children to feel like they are a part of the change with a new sibling. And I totally agree- it's absolutely adorable to see Penny walk around wearing her baby, caring for her in the same way that she sees me care for her little sister. But there's something more - it's the beginning of giving her a glimpse of the care and love that Adam and I have for our daughters. The doll carrier is a tool to help her learn through pretend play and gain empathy for another being.  It's common to give children (particularly girls) baby dolls with cribs or bottles, and the doll carrier is an extension of our lifestyle and values.

Now that we have the Boba Mini, it's added to Penny's checklist as we leave. "Mama, here are your shoes. I found MY Robot! Don't forget your Robot!"

So as we prepare for our first plane ride with all four of us, I can guarantee that mama AND Penny's "Robots" will be worn to make sure everyone is happy, safe and close.

This giveaway is over - thanks to all for entering! 
Keep an eye out for more Pierogie Mama Giveaways.

Disclosure: I received product in exchange for my honest review!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Penny for your thoughts (vol 2)

That moon looks bossy.

I'm special. Daddy is special. Babcia is special. Ruby is NOT special.

It's rather juicy.

I like the sun, the moon and the stars. They're special. Because they're fragile.

Tinkerbell is my favorite. She's a fairy, I think. And Queen Elsa is a Queen! AH! Frozen is my favorite!!

P: Elsa is pretty. Anna is pretty. Ruby is pretty.
B: Is mama pretty?
P: It's a little different.

I'm PENELOPE, daughter of Bianca!

My freckle is lost, probably.

Penny took the remote, turned on the tv and this happens:
"Oh no, the remote turned the tv on!"
"Can I watch something like Super Why, Sesame Street or daddy's car show?"
"hmm.. this isn't working. Let me figure this out." (stands on a box to get a little taller)
"I'm having a hard time figure this out. I have to figure this out. Cuz I turned on the show. It's in my story. But I can't."

Sometimes we just need to play dress-up.

Ruby likes puking and I like BUTTER!

Friday, October 3, 2014

A newbie's experience with consigning at JBF for the first time (for laughs)

It's no secret that I love the Just Between Friends consignment sales - every 6 months or so I get my shop on and pull together all the clothes, toys and gear that I'll need for my kids for the next couple seasons. As Fall approached and I got into super clean out mode, I realized...I have SO many baby clothes that I saved from Penny that Ruby never wore. I counted it up - over 150 new or almost new onesies. A handful of Hooter Hiders. Oh, and not to mention all those reaaaaally annoying toys (you know the ones) that just play over and over and over. So what did I do with them?


I tagged just under 300 items for the first Fall sale of the season. And guess what my payout was?

---> $546! <--- font="">

Just for laughs, I want to give you a brief synopsis of what it was like being a first time consignor. Take note, because you do not want to be in the same shoes when it's your turn!

3 months before the event: oh hey, I've got a ton of stuff I can consign! Sweet, I'd better organize all of it and start entering my tags.
2 months: hm...all those clothes are still there.. I'll get to that at the next nap time.
1 month: this is creeping up! Ok, I'll organize. (actually organizes, weeds out items with stains and tears)
2 weeks: ah! 2 weeks! (Spends 2 evenings entering tags)
1 week: printing, finding hangers, pinning, creating bundles of outfits.
2 days: final preps
Day of drop off: Ooops, almost missed drop off time!! I thought I can drop off after 5 pm, only to realize it was until 5pm!! Talk about stress! So instead of calmly driving over to the event (child free), I got to stuff everything into my car, load up both kids and stress my way through check in because hubby was still at work. 

PLEASE do not make the same mistake I did!!!

I'm still a consigning newbie - so don't be looking to me for too much advice yet! ;) My next consigning event will be at JBF Lynnwood's Fall Sale from October 23 - 25! 

You can still sign up to consign - here's more details. Consignors receive 60-75% of their sales back (depending on if, or how many, hours you also volunteer). Even with my newbie failure, once I got to the event to drop off my items I was so impressed with how much of a breeze it was! In the near future I promise that I'll walk you through the steps of consigning the right way.

Of course there wouldn't be a sale if there were shoppers too, so mark your calenders and head on over for the last northern Puget Sound fall sale of the year - 

Gold Creek Church, 4326 148th St SE Mill Creek WA

Thurs Oct 23rd
9:00a - New Parent presale
10:00a - MOPS presale
11:00a - Miliary Family presale
12p-8p- General Public sale, $2 admission

Fri Oct 24th 9am-7pm - free admission
Sat Oct 25th 8am - 2pm - free admission & half price day!

You can see the full sale schedule here (which includes more presale information for consignors and volunteers).

Stay tuned for my shopping experience recap, I always like to share about what I was able to find and other items of interest that are still available for purchase!

Keep in touch with JBF Lynnwood via facebook, because Heidi likes to run fun giveaways before her sales!

Not sure what the JBF buzz is all about? Check out my previous JBF posts

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by JBF Lynnwood. All opinions expressed were my own.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Window Covering Safety Month with

Last month I shared the progress of our sister room. I got a lot of fun feedback on some ideas for the closet space so that's been in the works! Meanwhile, I've also been working with to upgrade the current blinds in Penny's room to something that meets child safety standards. 

Child-proofing the Sister Room goes beyond being selective about toys and securing furniture properly. A common forgotten element is window coverings. Most rooms, especially bedrooms, have window sills that are at least 37" from the floor, but in this case this window had been replaced by the previous owners in preference for a larger one. The sill for this window is only 18" from the floor. We put in a window lock and then we started to think about reducing other risks.

When selecting child safe window coverings, here are a few points to consider:
1.       Make the switch to cordless blinds or shades. Check window coverings for exposed cords that could pose a strangulation hazard to infants and young children. Replace corded window coverings with today’s cordless safer products. Draperies, shutters and cordless cellular and roller shades are a few preferred cordless options. Shop’s Safer For Kids Collection to find the perfect replacement. 
2.       If you cannot install newer products, ensure that all window cords are out of sight and reach, and that they are inaccessible to young children. Order a free window cord retrofit kit from
3.       Prevent Access to Cords. Move all cribs, beds, furniture and toys away from windows and window cords, preferably to another wall. These items could act as unintentional “step stools” that allow a child to reach a window or cord. 
4.       Continuous-loop pull cords on draperies and vertical blinds should be pulled tight and anchored to the floor or wall with a tension device.
5.       Be sure cord stops are properly installed and adjusted to limit movement on inner cords on blinds and shades.
All recommendations provided by via The Window Covering Safety Council. makes choosing child safe window coverings easy because they have a blind-finder tool where you can narrow down exactly what you need, including specifications such as being child safe. But sometimes you just gotta talk to a human being, you know? So for all of the window coverings in my house, I've talked with Josh from (email // facebook). After a few emails back and forth with my list of requirements for the room, he sent out samples of what he thought I might like (a complimentary service!!) and I was able to see with my own eyes what I felt would work in the room best.

My list to Josh included:
  • child safe - I want to be comfortable with my toddler playing independently in her room for a few minutes while I fix a quick snack or am nursing Ruby down.
  • black out - we still use blackout curtains, but with two kids I need to capitalize on full naps and long nights!
  • withstand humidity - we heat our house with a pellet stove, which dries out the air something terrible. Last winter I ran humidifiers in the bedrooms, which of course can lead to standing condensation and possible bacteria build up. I wash the windows and curtains often to help prevent any nasties, but the window covering also needed to be either washable or I can wipe it down.
  • last, but not least - it's got to be cute!
Shortly after, the samples came in the mail and I was able to narrow them down to three choices. I posted them onto Facebook to see what you all thought!
And you all confirmed what I felt down deep in my gut - the  Laura Ashley Roller Shades in Chesil Print Amethyst & Cream were the best for the room!

I love the roller shades because they're completely cordless. The print is fun, but also something that both of the girls can grow into. It was less than 20 minutes between removing our Bali 2" Fauxwood blinds (which I love and are on all of our other windows) to installing and using the new roller shades. Installation is a SNAP! The quality is also awesome.

Here are some pictures showing their blackout ability. These are completely unedited for exposure so you can see how they would look in real life. I'm really impressed with how well they can darken a room. If this were a guest room I would leave them as is, but because I want the room to be completely dark and non-distracting for night & nap time, I will continue to use the curtains to block out the little bit of light that comes in around the sides.
These roller shades have met each of the requirements that I gave to Josh at the beginning of my research - they are child safe, black out very well, I can wipe them down to clean them and of course the print is very cute! Penny absolutely loved them as soon as Adam installed them. She wants it down all the time!

This giveaway is over - thanks to all for entering! 
Keep an eye out for more Pierogie Mama Giveaways.

Disclosure: Thank you for helping me pick out and providing the safest shades for Penny's room! All opinions are my own, though I wouldn't be sharing about this awesome company if I didn't love them already! Keep an eye out for another post showing the other window coverings that we have in our home. 

#Tryallthediapers! OMG!

#TryAlltheDiapers Sponsors and Bloggers
Welcome to the #TryAlltheDiapers Cloth Diaper Extravaganza hosted by Maman Loup's Den and co-hosted by According to Carolyn and This West Coast Mommy!
Special thanks to lo-wren for the idea and for getting the fluffy ball rolling with many sponsors!
This huge cloth diapering giveaway event will have 30 winners - one per prize. Some of the prizes are open to both Canada and the US, US only, or Canada only. Check out this incredible list of sponsors and the wonderful prizes they're bringing to you.
***Note that there is a separate entry form for Canada/US prizes, Canada-only prizes and US-only prizes***


Organic Cotton Change Pad from Öko Creations - $29
Practical, portable, pretty… and perfectly eco-friendly: Öko Creations’ change pads fit this description to a… P! Made of soft, organic cotton and backed with waterproof recycled polyester laminate, these gorgeous change pads are compact enough for even a tiny diaper bag but attractive enough to leave out 24/7 on the change table.

Bummis Fitted Diaper from Bear Bums - $26
Bear Bums provides all the best brands of cloth diapers, Tula baby carriers, and baby gear to discerning parents in Canada and the US. Owner Lindsay offers amazing customer service and personalized attention whenever you shop here! Bear Bums is generously sponsoring a Bummis flannel fitted diaper in winner's choice of girl, boy, or gender neutral print.

Bummis flannel fitteds are a trim and super absorbent fitted diaper made from organic cotton sherpa and adorable printed flannel. These made in Canada diapers fit babies 10-30+ pounds and require a cover to be waterproof.

Diaper Rite One-Size Pocket and Diaper Rite One-Size Cover from Zephyr Hill Blog - $20
As a mother of seven, I love to save money while diapering my children with cute, high-quality products. Diaper Rite, sold exclusively at Diaper Junction (affiliate link), is one of my favorite brands! You can read my Diaper Rite review to see how well they fit and perform. One winner will receive a Diaper Rite pocket in Sun (orange) and a Diaper Rite cover in Grass (green)!

Eco-friendly Cloth Wipes from Thankful for Thorns - $30
These wonderfully soft and durable wipes are the most cost-effective alternative to disposable wipes. They are suitable for almost any need that a household will come across.
  • Set of 24 two ply wipes in the pattern(s) of winner's choice
  • Measure 7" X 8"
  • 100% Cotton Flannel
  • Stitched Finished Edges
The usage of cloths as an alternative to disposable baby wipes is quite economical and easy to use. Many people use a solution or spray the wipes with water before wiping. Personally I just wet my cloth wipes with water as needed. Usually 1-2 for a messy diaper. If you're already using cloth diapers this is an easy alternative to disposable wipes as you're already doing diaper laundry! Simply throw in with your dirty diapers and wash. Take just a little extra time and you can even accordion fold them so they'll pop out of a wipes container just like a disposable. Winner can choose the pattern(s) for the wipes as well as the stitching color.

Ditch the Disposables: The Big Book of Cloth Diaper Savings and Mother-Ease Wizard Uno in Size Medium from Thinking About Cloth Diapers - $30
Thinking About Cloth Diapers has recently published Ditch the Disposables: The Big Book of Cloth Diaper Savings, a digital coupon book full of special cloth diaper and accessory discounts, savings and freebies! One lucky winner will receive a copy Ditch the Disposables. The winner will also receive one Mother-Ease Wizard Uno in size Medium (fits approx 18-27 lbs). The Mother-Ease Wizard Uno is a slim fitting all-in-one diaper with an ultra-absorbent stay-dry inner core. Thanks to its unique design, wash water flows through easily, making for easier washing and quicker drying times. This diaper has won awards in Europe and Australia but has been a well-kept secret in North America.

US Only

2 One Size Pocket Diapers from Sankofa Diapers - $28
Sankofa Diapers is a one size pocket diaper with bamboo blend inserts that feature the unique ability to stack your inserts based on if you have a front wetter (boy) or middle wetter (girl) to give the protection where your baby needs it the most. Sankofa is offering 2 diapers in boy, girl or gender neutral print (in stock) with two bamboo blend inserts.

OS Bamboo Fitted Diaper from Wonderful Bambino - $20
If you’ve not had the chance to try Wonderful Bambino’s Bamboo diaper products, what are you waiting for? Made from incredibly soft, 100% bamboo terry, Wonderful Bambino makes a range of cloth diapering products: fitted diapers, inserts, prefolds, and cloth wipes. If you’re looking for a reliable overnight diapering option, then Wonderful Bambino’s bamboo fitted is perfect for you! One lucky reader will win a one size bamboo fitted, in the color of his/her choice.

Wet Bag, Pail Liner, and Pocket Diaper from Buttler Bottoms - $20
Buttler Bottoms is your one-stop shop for all things cloth diaper! This husband and wife team have created a cloth diaper store that has everything you’ll need to cloth diaper, from birth through potty training. With several natural fiber options, there’s truly something for everyone! One lucky winner will receive a wet bag, pail liner, and pocket diaper, in his/her choice of in-stock prints!

2 Classic Covers from Gen-Y - $34

GEN-Y Classic covers are virtually leak proof and very easy to use. An inner layer of PUL acts as a waterproof barrier, but is soft and flexible. The waist and legs are gathered so nothing escapes your diaper. Our binding is super soft, non-wicking jersey for your little one's comfort. Poly-resin snap closures allow air circulation, are more difficult for your baby to undo, and won't snag or wear out with time. Machine wash/dry with your other diapers... What's not to love? GEN-Y products are made in the USA.

Tiny Tush Trim Hemp OS Fitted, Thirsties Duo Wrap, Planetwise Wipes Pouch, and Green Mountain Diapers Wipes from - $41 is one of lo-wren’s favorite places to shop for gently used (and often new) diapers. If you’re looking to de-stash, or looking for an affordable way to add to your cloth diaper stash, you need to shop; buy used with confidence! Re-Diaper is giving away an amazing diapering package:
  • (1) Tiny Tush Trim Hemp OS Fitted in Like New condition (prepped, but never used)
  • (1) Thirsties Duo Wrap in Sz 2 (mango); New with Tags
  • (1) Planetwise Wipes pouch (orange woods print) in Like New condition
  • 12 pack of 2 sided terry wipes from Green Mountain Diaper in Like New condition
Hybrid Diaper Custom Slot from Little C’s Fluff - $36
Caylin is the WAHM behind Little C’s Fluff. Little C's specializes in quality, handmade, CPISA certified cloth diapers and children's clothing. She is donating a custom slot for a hybrid fitted. If you win you choose what print and colors you like best for your little one's bum.

Gender Neutral Hybrid Diaper from Cuddle Butts - $27
Cuddle Butts is a company that provides an alternative to disposable diapers for the earth conscience mom and her baby. Offering solutions to diaper your baby without all the harsh chemicals of mainstream disposable diapers and wipes. Cuddle Butts will be donating a gender neutral hybrid diaper. The hybrid is made of two layers of poly polar fleece and an outside material of woven cotton, the soaker consists of organic bamboo fleece that is topped with bamboo velour. Check out a review of a Cuddle Butts diaper.

Buttons Trial Pack from Give it Love - $21
Buttons Diapers offers quality, affordable, and adorable all-in-two cloth diapers for the modern baby. The Trial Pack from Buttons Diapers includes one (1) one-size diaper cover and three (3) daytime inserts. Buttons Diapers is an all-in-two diaper with two sizes of snap-in inserts. For more information, check out the Buttons Diapers Review from The Parenting Patch.

Osocozy AIO Diaper and Wipes from Northern Natural Mom & Baby - $32
Northern Natural Mom & Baby is Retro Modern Melissa's local cloth diaper dealer. Northern Natural offers a layaway option, rewards, cloth diaper classes, and online shopping. The prize is an Osocozy AIO & pack of Osocozy wipes.

Tiny Tush Diaper and Fuzzibunz Wet Bag from Irresistibly Green - $40

Tiny Tush One Size Pocket Diaper of in stock color or print and a white Fuzzibunz In & Out Wet Bag: Irresistibly Green is all about the eco-conscious family. We strive to provide eco-friendly products for the green minded family. From cloth diapers to reusable home goods, there are so many ways to reduce our impact on this Earth. Modern day cloth diapering has never been easier. Irresistibly Green offers products to serve your cloth diapering needs such as cloth diapers, diaper covers, and many cloth diapering accessories. Along with several styles of cloth diapers, including pocket diapers, all-in-ones, fitteds, one-size, and covers, they also offer cloth wipes, wet bags, pail liners, wipe solutions, liners, diaper doublers, and inserts. With many variations and brands, there is a cloth solution for everyone.

In Stock Diaper Cover and Soaker from Little Owl Baby - $29
Little Owl Baby is a USA made, online cloth diaper retailer based in Simi Valley, CA. They offer quality all-in-two diapers that are sized to meet the needs of your growing baby. I fell in love with these diapers because of the quality and how long my daughter has been able to wear them. You can read my review of these diapers. One winner will receive one in stock Little Owl Baby diaper cover and one soaker.

Wipes and Cloth Advocacy Onesie from The Bee Hive Buzz - $30
Momma Bee's Cloth Wipes are soft 100% Cotton Flannel, 2-Ply for absorbancy and softness and locally WAHM made by Momma Bee at The Bee Hive Buzz. Winner will receive 1 set of wipes along with one Cloth Royalty Tee! Winner can choose either cotton onesie or t-shirt up to size 3T and can choose between "Queen of Cloth" or "King of Cloth" text.

Exclusive, Limited Edition Prototype Boingo Baby Cloth Diaper and Set of Boingo Baby Fasteners from Boingo Baby - $20+
That's right, this diaper is one of a kind--a prototype of a diaper planned for distribution. It may contain minor flaws and that makes this diaper even more valuable. Boingo Baby needs your support to make this vision possible. Join the Kickstarter event, see the planned prints, and make a contribution to the cause!

Babywearing Drool Pads from Home Faking It - $20
Home Faking It is run by stay at home mother of three who specializes in homemade goods, baby shower gifts, party crafts, and much more. Home Faking It is donating babywearing drool pads for the giveaway!

1 Bag Cloth Diaper Powder and 1 Bag All Sport from Molly's Suds - $28

1 Coconut Stick and 1 Eco Bottom Liners from Eco Sprouts - $20

Diaper Dawgs Spray Collar from Green Team Distribution - $15

Diaper Rash Remedy Tube and Jar from Grandma El's - $25

Zen Rocks Necklace and Independent Teething Toy from Eyla's Imports - $15

Canada Only

AppleCheeks Bamboo Bundle from Lil’ Monkey Cheeks - $29
Lil' Monkey Cheeks is an online cloth diaper and maternity-product retailer based in Whitby, Ontario. Owner, Renee, offers personalized service to each and every one of her customers, sending along some tea and a personal note with even the smallest fluffy mail! She is offering an AppleCheeks Bamboo Little Bundle in the colour and size of the winner's choice.

Hanging Diaper Pail from Funky Fluff - $24
Funky Fluff’s new hanging wet bag is the perfect solution for dirty diaper storage! Holds at least three day’s worth of diapers: great for home and travel! Check out Maman Loup’s review.

Funky Fluff Stay Dry 2.0 in Bubbles from Lagoon Baby - $22
Funky Fluff’s Stay Dry 2.0 is a versatile, trim-fitting diaper that can work as a pocket, AIO or AI2. It’s one of Maman Loup’s favourites. Check out her review.

Blueberry Deluxe Pocket Diaper from Cozy Bums -$28
Cozy Bums is your Canadian source for modern cloth diapers! If you're looking for one of the best selections in the country, Cozy Bums is the place to go. You can find a full complement of products by AppleCheeks, AMP, Best Bottom, bumGenius, Blueberry, Thirsties, Charlie Banana, and more! For this event, Cozy Bums is offering up a Blueberry Deluxe pocket diaper in the winner's choice of print! Check out the Blueberry Deluxe pockets review at Cloth Diaper Addicts.

Nuggles Tuck-Wrap-Go Cover and Choice of Nuggles Wet Bag or Multi-Use Wallet from Itsy Bitsy Necessities - $32
Itsy Bitsy Necessities is about to celebrate 2000 fans on Facebook! In the meantime, they're offering up a Nuggles Tuck-Wrap-Go cover and your choice of a Nuggles Wet Bag or Multi-Use Wallet!

Monkey Doodlez Swim Diaper and BambinoBUMS Travel Duo Wet Bag from Calgary Cloth Diaper Depot - $34
Fresh off a busy trip to the Baby Expo in Vegas, Miranda at Calgary Cloth Diaper Depot made it just in time to offer a Monkey Doodlez swim diaper and a BambinoBUMS Travel Duo wet bag. Perfect for the pool or that sunny vacation you're planning!

Whew! All these fantastic prizes total over $800!

This giveaway is over - thanks to all for entering! 
Keep an eye out for more Pierogie Mama Giveaways.

Thank you to all our participating bloggers: Maman Loup's Den, This West Coast Mommy, According to Carolyn, lo-wren, Parenting Patch, Cloth Diaper Addicts, Retro Modern Melissa, Irresistibly Green, Modern Cloth Momma, The Pierogie Mama, The Bee Hive Buzz, Zephyr Hill Blog, Cloth Diaper Guru, Thankful for Thorns, and Thinking About Cloth Diapers.

Disclosure: Maman Loup's Den, According to Carolyn, This West Coast Mommy, and participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.

One prize per participant.

Please see Giveaway Tools form for full Terms & Conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, e-mail Lindsay at mamanloupsden(at)gmail(dot)com.