Friday, February 20, 2015

Catch the moment: Week 7

Nurse Loves Farmer

This week my husband was away on business so I was on double duty ... it went a lot better than I expected, mainly because I planned something special to do each day. How do you survive when your spouse travels for work?

On this bright and sunshiney day, I decided that I'd get my spring fitness in gear and pull out the bike trailer that we had gotten for my husband to use on his bike rides. He warned me that his bike tire had a slow leak so I'd have to pump it up. Ok, got that done. Attached the trailer and off I went. Passed a few neighbors and gave a friendly wave, totally pumped that I was getting this done. Half a block later, it gets really hard to pedal. And harder. I stop, check the bike tire. It's totally fine. One of the trailer tires was totally flat. Not letting this defeat me, I went on - I figured I'd just have to work twice as hard. A couple more minutes and I accepted defeat. Those same neighbors that I had given a wave to got to watch my ride of shame back home.  

 My brother is the assistant coach for my old high school swim team, so I went to watch his guys swim at districts. 
 We don't get out for drinks very often, but we took advantage of it one afternoon and had margaritas. So he asked the waitress "What's that one called where the beer is tipped into it?" And that's what he got. 
My husband is an automotive engineer and his current project is implementing natural gas engines into Kenworth's lineup. Reality hit me one afternoon when he pointed out on of "his" trucks on the freeway - which is pretty impressive given that there aren't that many of them on the road just yet and that this one in particular had been built over 4300 miles from us and we saw it less than 50 miles from home. It's so cool getting to see his work in real life and seeing it do work. 

 There's not much to be said about this, except that children sleep in the most hilarious positions sometimes.
This one too.

 We visited my sister in law on Whidbey Island and I was talking to Penny about how we'd be riding a ferry over to see auntie. Penny was very excited; it's the second time in a couple weeks that we've gone to visit them and she loves her cousins so much. Once the ferry started moving, I pointed one out in the window - and the silly girl said "Mama, if that's a fairy, where are it's wings?" 

Catch up on previous weeks: 
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  1. I couldn't imagine sleeping like that. I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to walk the next day

  2. Looks like you girls had a great time. Love you
