Thursday, February 19, 2015

This new year

Things have been quiet here on The Pierogie Mama, haven't they?

Nothing really new has been developing in my life that would draw me away from the blog. One part of me simply has nothing to write about, and I'd rather not waste my (or anyone's) time in writing about the mundane. The other part of me has recognized that towards the end of last year (when I got my snazzy new phone) that I am constantly connected. It's a really hard balance in growing your blog, especially when I do it primarily for fun. Growing a blog kind of means always being available. Always reading and connecting with other blogs, scouting out the next new campaign that procures the little bit of extra cash that helps us make ends meet. But I recognized that I was going overboard with the "iMom" generation and rather than being present online, I realized that I needed to be present here and now. How can I even begin to call myself a "mama blogger" when I'm not really being mama?

I've been taking a step back. Being more present in my real life. Not checking my accounts all the time and in fact, laying my phone down in a completely different room for large parts of the day. That is a big step for me.

I'm hoping that this disconnect will ground me better in life. As of February 3rd I have been a stay at home wife and mom for 3 years and while my life isn't as pinteresty-perfect as I initially imagined it would be, I am slowly but surely finding my groove in what I need my life to be.

So that's what's up. No big surprise is brewing, it's quite frankly boring, but I am loving it. In the next week my parents will be visiting for a couple weeks (they've been living in Europe for the past 6 months) and I'm also in the midst of planning a very spectacular birthday party for Penny and Ruby. That is definitely post worthy and you can expect to see it on the blog!

In the meantime, while I am on this sabbatical, you will be guaranteed a post every Friday with a recap of what my week was like in pictures, it's called Catch The Moment.

Thanks for staying in with me and I promise I'll be back soon :)


  1. Thats awesome! I try to disconnect too, but cd giveaways keep calling lok

  2. Thank you for being honest about this. I don't even have a blog, but I find myself struggling to "unplug". Before I had a smart phone, I thought technology addiction was totally bogus, but I now I understand how it can happen! Enjoy your littles, and we'll enjoy your updates whenever they come. :)

  3. So hard to find the best balance :/ Happy your parents are visiting and I'm loving your Catch 365!

  4. I agree with you. Sometimes it is good to disconnect for a little while. I hope you are enjoying your family time
