Wednesday, June 28, 2017

10 New Baby & Parent Memes

So if you've been hanging in there with me, you've seen my 10 end of pregnancy memes. One guarantee that my midwives were able to make was that my baby WILL come out, and so he did! 

My birth story will be published soon, but as you know - so here I am - in the throes of new parenthood and the newborn phase. It's so sweet - the little coos, that fresh baby smell, the snuggles and loves. And then there's the other 23 1/2 hours of your day - where you are in a fine balance of exhaustion and elation. 

One of the greatest gifts I received at the end of my pregnancy was all the extra sleep. I have NO idea how that happened with a 3 and 5 year old, but somehow the Good Lord decided that after almost 6 years of unrestful sleep, I deserve a little break in preparation for little boy. I'll miss it.

Anyone else have babies who don't follow your predetermined, perfected schedule? Or better yet - older siblings??

So true. Labor and birth are meant to be hard, but the end result is so, so worth it.

I'm hoping it's a little sooner than that, but many nights I feel like I'm pretty close to falling off the edge of reality.
This is especially true for cloth diapered babies when you start a wash.

I had 4 friends who were due in the same week as I was - and 3 of them delivered their babies at 38 and 39 weeks. Every baby comes on their own time, but seriously... did that put a bee in my bonnet to get this baby out faster.

I feel like this is a serious piece of flair that parents need to get on their vests. Do you remember how insanely exhausted you were in the first week after baby was born? How you reverted to an almost primal response to everything in life because all civility had been washed away?

I think babies are born absolutely adorable and sweet smelling so that their parents can forgive them for the lack of sleep. That first time that baby locks eyes with you, smiles or coos... that suddenly makes it all worth it. For a minute.

As a veteran mama of three I know that struggle. And I've apparently chosen to do it two more times after experiencing it the first time; just like Katniss seemed to wind up back in trouble with the Hunger Games series.

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