Sunday, September 15, 2013

Monthly Its: September

Remember meeting Nicole from StarGazer Soaps last month? I asked her about the inspiration behind the name of her business and the individual names of each of her soaps - she's got Venus, Orion, Taurus, Andromeda - just to name a few.

When I was thinking about a name for my business, I really had no idea where to start.  The name was important, and one of the most difficult decisions for me.  Many years ago, I had a small business that my little brother named.  He passed away three years ago, and while I didn't want to use the old business name, I wanted to incorporate him somehow.  When we were growing up, we used to lay in the backyard and watch the stars.  And now, I look up to the heavens on a daily basis and smile with those memories.  One evening, the name Stargazer Soaps just popped into my head.  I was instantly excited, and decided to name all of my silk soaps after something found in the sky.  This can be rather tricky.  Sometimes I have a name picked out for my soap before I make it, but I rarely have a plan when I set out to soap.  Sometimes I don't have a name for several days after I cut a soap.  My husband and children enjoy helping me pick out names for each soap.  I love the uniqueness of my business name and each soap I make.  

If you haven't gotten a chance to check out her soaps personally, don't wait too long! Most of them are limited edition and only come around once in a while, as she makes them all by hand. But here's a little secret...I'm sharing my experience with StarGazer Soaps and Nicole is giving away 4 bars of her soaps for an awesome Pierogie Mama reader! Thanks Nicole :)

On to my favorite posts over the last month...
  • A guest post on Wifessionals - how to be a happy and productive SAHM. I gotta say, staying at home with my kid has been the best 18 months of my life! But the husband will be the first to tell you that my productivity is at an all time low. Yes, babies grow too quickly - that's why I'm not too worried about dusty corners, but.. yea. We gotta get this house in gear.
  • I've repaired Penny's cloth diapers before - and by 'repair' I mean replaced the velcro. Not that hard for a novice seamstress. But the elastic.. eh. I've been looking for a good step by step tutorial on how to replace cloth diaper elastic and I think Diaper Wreckers may have given me the courage to tackle this one. 
  • Another awesome post by Diaper Wreckers - a test on which cloth diaper inserts absorb liquid the fastest!
  • How to make pear puree for your baby by Director Jewels- perfect for a Yummi Pouch
  • I made Pioneer Woman's Brown Sugar Oatmeal cookies for a new mama this week with an additional galactogogue ingredient - I added in a squirt of Barleans Flax Seed Oil! (pssst, galactogogue = mamamilk makin'). But don't worry, non-lactating people will totally enjoy these too. After all, it calls for a pound of butter
Be sure to keep an eye out via BlogLovin' and Facebook 
for when my StarGazer Soaps review and giveaway goes live! 

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