Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Visiting Didymos in Ludwigsburg!

This story about our trip to Germany is a little bit out of order, but I really need to tell you this story because it was really one of the highlights of my journey as a mother and blogger. Having the opportunity of visiting the Didymos Store in Ludwigsburg Germany was such a special event for me.

It all started about a year ago when I told my friend Gretchen that I'll be going to Germany over Christmas the following year. She asked "Are you going to visit Didymos?" Wow- I guess I hadn't thought about that!

I've been a babywearing mama from the very start, but mostly with knitted wraps, ring slings and soft structured carriers. Now that my second daughter is now a toddler and my "someday baby #3" is on the horizon, I knew that I would love to start getting into wrapping with a woven wrap. So I started doing my research on finding a Didymos woven wrap that I fell in love with. I finally did - Indio Sole Occidente.

I will tell you with full honesty that I dreamed about this wrap, many times. I was excited to see it in person and actually feel my first Didymos wrap. So time passed and I waited. We spent our vacation in Germany and saved our visit to Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg for last.

In preparation for our trip I contacted Didymos to see if I can set up an appointment to chat with someone about the wraps, a little bit about the company and maybe get some babywearing tips from the source. I was honored and *so* excited to learn that Anna Hoffman, an owner and one of Erika Hoffman's children would be meeting with me. I mean, really - an owner of Didymos made time to see me?!

We arrived at Didymos and somehow I was expecting this gallery of wraps, a museum of babywearing history and assistants just waiting to help parents learn about babywearing. Babywearing Heaven, really. What I found was a colorful store that had about 2 dozen wraps on display and a direct focus on organic and quality made children's clothing and accessories. It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but a nice surprise.

Anna welcomed me into her store and we talked about the wrap that I had chosen for myself, Indio Sole Occidente, as well as a few other wraps that friends had begged pleaded asked me to pick up. I quickly drooled over my new wrap and she asked if I would like to have a tour of their office. Uhm, YES PLEASE.

Behind the original Didymos shop is a larger building that houses the offices. We walked into their shipping room where all the Didy wraps we love come from. Literally, walls and walls and walls of wraps in their boxes. "And this isn't even our largest room," Anna joked.

As we walked through the building, and Anna showed me things that she made me promise not to talk to anyone about, we talked about the legacy of the wrap. She spoke about her wrap that she used on her son, now 18 years old, and it is as precious to her as a symbol of her relationship with her son as perhaps my wedding ring is as a symbol of my relationship with my husband. Her description invoked images of all the things that a wrap does for us as mothers and for our children, and really that it isn't something that needs to be tucked away when the child outgrows it. She likes to use her wrap as a table cloth, a scarf or stole, anything really - to bring it out and enjoy the memories it's given her. She's saving it as an heirloom for when she becomes a grandmother one day. What a wonderful thought! It totally revised how I will think of mine.

Although Didymos is one of the most well known names in the woven wrap industry, not only for their beautiful colors and amazing handiwork, but really for the commitment to quality. Anna's mother, Erika Hoffman, the creator of Didymos and whom I would credit as bringing modern day babywearing to the western world, started wrapping simply out of necessity with her twins. As a mom who had her second child a week after her first child's second birthday, I can absolutely agree and wholeheartedly thank Ms. Hoffman for coming to this revelation almost 15 years before my own birth. I credit so much of my attachment parenting style and motherhood capability for the ability to wear my children. I've worn them through the house to do chores, through the zoo to give them a better peek up, closer to my chest when they are sick and need snuggles, and across the world and through large crowds to keep them safe.

But the need to find a solution to a problem isn't where Ms. Hoffman ended. Her strict requirements for the materials and labor that go into the wraps also is evident in her work. Didymos adheres to incomparable standards in quality of material. Didymos has always received high marks for compliance in Öko-Test and Eco Institute. All components of the wrap making process are controlled and even the ingredients to the dyes used are limited to being the most natural available. This truly makes a big difference to me, when I consider how much time my children might spend in a Didymos wrap.  It was truly one of the highlights of my trip to Germany and I am so thankful that Anna Hoffman took the time to speak with me!

I managed to bring home a 
Didymos stowaway!!
Check out the absolutely gorgeous 

Indio Ruby Red giveaway

Further Didymos reading:  http://issuu.com/didymos_das_babytragetuch/docs/didymos_jubilaeumsbuch_en_ansicht


  1. I'm so happy that you were able to go there and your wrap is gorgeous. Love you

  2. You have excellent taste! That Didymos wrap is stunning. I'm not at all familiar with Didymos, although I've heard so many good things about them. Meeting one of the daughter's of the original founder sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime. Amazing! Perfect way to wrap up such an incredible family trip.

  3. We have just started our journey into wrapping with our first baby. Hoping that one day I can try a Didymos! Looks like it was an awesome stop on your trip!

  4. I can't believe how beautiful these are! I love how subtle the design are. Gorgeous!

  5. SO jealous that you got to go there. One day I'd love to go too.

  6. I plan to visit when we move to Germany! So excited!!

  7. What an amazing opportunity! I hope your wrap is everything you dreamed of!

  8. Omgosh!! What an amazing experience!!! I love that they are such a down to earth mommy built company <3 And I love even more, that they took the time to meet with you!!

  9. Amazing!!! It would be my dream to go to their store but I don't think I'd walk out with less than 5 wraps!!! ��

  10. I am in love with the Didymos wrap you chose, the Indio Sole Occidente! It's gorgeous!! Of course, I have been obsessing over Didymos wraps for years now but have yet to try one! I have only used SSC with my littles. What a exciting and fun experience in Germany too! It truly shows how wonderful a company is when someone so important makes special time for a customer! :)

  11. Always wanted to visit Germany!! These wraps are beautiful!! Im excited to start the baby wearing journey in September2016. Expecting our first!!

  12. I love that this company is so passionate about the product they produce! I have been searching for a wrap for my little bundle due in August and I believe I have found it!

  13. I can't even imagine how dangerous it would be for me to visit! Sigh. One day.

  14. I am so happy you got to go and have that wonderful experience. I love how she explained that the wrap is precious to her as a symbol of her relationship with her son as perhaps my wedding ring is as a symbol of my relationship with my husband. It is wonderful to see a great inspiring story build a great business.

  15. I think that I would be in trouble visiting a Didymos store in person. Thanks for sharing your story!

  16. I think I would be in trouble if I visited an actual Didymos store. Very cool experience - thanks for sharing. :-)

  17. What a neat experience and an amazing opportunity! I never really considered the uses of a wrap beyond baby wearing days. But I love the ideas.

  18. What an amazing experience! Very jealous over here. Didy stripes was my first wrap and my NHI is still one of my favourites, even after 3 years of wrapping with countless wraps!

  19. I'm a loyal Didymos fan because of their amazing commitment to quality and to their customers. Visiting the shop in person must have been an incredible experience!

  20. Wow! I love how much time and care they put into the quality of the wraps. They are beautiful! I love the one you chose! :)

  21. What an amazing story. I'm so jealous Germany has always been on the top of my list of places to visit. Now I want to go evenmore.

  22. It looks like it was a wonderful trip

  23. Drool! What a fantastic experience!

  24. Wow,i just love the patterned fabric

  25. That red is absolutely gorgeous and your trip sounded amazing!

  26. I would be in heaven at the didymos store! I have to stop myself from buying more carriers!

  27. Thank you so much for sharing this story! The more I learn about Didymos, the more I love them... the wraps, the company, the history. .. and lovely of you to bring one back to give away! Thank you for the chance. And what a gorgeous choice!

  28. Your trip looks like it was a blast and a half!!

  29. What a wonderful Review, I appreciate you Sharing it :-) I hope you had a wonderful time in Germany..Your choice of wrap (print) is absolutely Stunning)..I'd love to go to that store, I don't think I'd be able to leave without buying 3 or more wraps LOLZ..

  30. Oh man, how cool! That sounds like an amazing trip!

  31. Occidente Sole holds a special place in my heart. Mine arrived after I miscarried my Jamie and now carries my rainbow Killian. My family on my moms side is of German descent and now I have a new place I must visit when I go.

  32. Germany sounds like a lovely country! Thanks for the post :)

  33. So jealous of this experience!!!

  34. Sole is one of my favorites. My 8 day old got her first carry in a Sole RS.

  35. I have fallen for Didymos. I would love a rainbow stash of them. So soft. Instant love.

  36. Didymos is my favorite wrap in my stash and I am so jealous you were able to go! This is the coolest story and experience I have read about in a long time. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  37. I would be in heaven at a didymos store

  38. Sounds like so much fun! I always wonder how come the good wraps are all from other countries.

  39. Amazeballs! Dream come true for a baby wearer :)

  40. Those wraps are gorgeous and I would LOVE to be able to hand one down to my daughter when she's a Mother. She's almost 3 and loves to wear her babies!

  41. How awesome that you not only got to meet the founder's daughter but she gave you a tour! I've been a fan of Didy for a few years now and this just restored that love :)

  42. I have always wanted a didymos. The patterns and fabric is gorgeous. This would be a great experience to visit this store.

  43. Oh my goodness, this is amazing! You are so lucky to have such an experience...I would love to go someday. It would be a dream come true for sure! It is wonderful that you were able to meet Anna Hoffman as well.

  44. Wow! Who knew so much went into making a wrap! Didymos has a new fan now :)

  45. I would love to win one of these! I'm so jealous you got to go to the headquarters, thanks for sharing your experience!

  46. Thanks for sharing the experience:)

  47. I have always wanted to go to Germany, that's where my dad's side of the family is from!

  48. This sounds like such an amazing experience. I'm so jealous! :)

  49. That wrap is gorgeous! I've been intimidated of wraps but I'd really love to learn and start using one!

  50. Love Didymos woven wraps! Wish we could have visited the store while living in Germany!

  51. That is an amazing experience! Thank you so much for sharing. It might be pregnancy hormones, but the idea of your child's wrap being used regularly to bring up old memories made me tear up. I don't think I will look at a wrap the same again.

  52. Wow now that would be such and amazing trip!!

  53. Have been wanting a woven wrap for years. Now expecting #5 and it's time.

  54. Great pictures! Would love to go there when I'm in Germany someday. Just got my first Didymos recently and it's so beautiful...

  55. The baby wraps are absolutely gorgeous! I love all the colors and patterns, and they seem to be lovely quality. :)

  56. We are just starting our Babywearing journey! Love Didymos wraps!

  57. These wraps are so nice. You were so fortunate to be able to visit this store. Thank you so much for sharing

  58. The owners sound wonderful. So nice to hear more such positive things about a company that already has a great reputation.

  59. Love didy but wonder why we don't have many such revered baby wrap companies here. Is the material really different?

  60. That is so awesome you got to go!!

  61. Thanks for sharing your experience! How special to get to visit!

  62. Red is my power color! What a great give away Bianca!

  63. What an amazing experience that must have been. Such truly beautiful wraps. Thank you for this giveaway chance.

  64. Oh! How I would love to got there some day. It's like the baby wearers pilgrimage. Thank you for the photos- they might be as close as I ever get to the real store.

  65. I'm in love! It's amazing that the owner made time to meet you and show you around-- it's one of the hallmarks of a great company. And the red of the giveaway wrap is just amazing. (And I'm Polish... red is a lucky color for us!)

  66. what a beautiful wrap .. so glad you could go on your trip and be able to baby wear.. baby wearing so helps out make things easier on your vacations

  67. Oh my. Going there would be such a wonderful experience. I love my lisca. It really is high quality material.

  68. Sounds like a fabulous journey and I would love to one day make the trip with my daughter. Thank you for sharing!

  69. These fabrics have such vibrant, gorgeous colors! Sounds like you had a great time visiting Didymos.

  70. Great post! I would have been soooo excited to get to go to didy HQ. Like you I have two kids close in age. My second was 20 months when I had my third! I would be lost without baby wearing!

  71. Oh my goodness! Thank you for an inside look of Didymos! Would definitely want to visit them in person if I ever get a chance to go to Germany.

  72. I love that there shop isn't just about wraps but also clothing. I bet it was amazing! I wish I could one day go on a trip like that.

  73. I'm peanut butter and jealous! :D

  74. Thanks for sharing your journey. I love the idea of having a wrap to symbolize the relationship and keeping it to hand down as an heirloom for grandchildren

  75. Drool! These prints are so pretty!!! Would it be rediculous to go to Germany for the sole purpose is buying a wrap or 2 lol!! I've never used a woven wrap but i want or try one with my next little, due in only a week!!!

  76. They have so many gorgeous colors!

  77. What an adventure! That would have been amazing.

  78. Wow so many beautiful colors :D

  79. wow! what an incredible opportunity! So jealous! :D

  80. sigh love didymos <3

  81. Didymos makes such Gorgeous wraps!! 😍

  82. Wow! Look at all the beautiful prints and fabrics that they have. I would love to have one of these for my daughter.

  83. What an amazing opportunity! I would love to be able to do this and travel more. Thank you for sharing your trip with us!

  84. What an amazing opportunity! I would love to be able to do this and travel more. Thank you for sharing your trip with us!

  85. OH my goodness! What an amazing experience! I love wraps, I'm expecting my first this year and Didymos prints are some of my favorites!

  86. This would be a super amazing experience all around! And I'm in labor. ��

  87. These wraps are gorgeous and I would love to try one!

  88. So jealous! Thank you for sharing!

  89. The fabric colors looks so beautiful. We should have gone to Germany when we went to London. I had to work, but just didn't think that it was that close. Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing, love your pictures. Didymos offers such beautiful products. When we do go it will be a stop for our trip.

  90. these look so beautiful! I am a soon to be first time mommy and i would love to sport these!

  91. Beautiful wrap & amazing experience! I love how we always expect things to be a certain way and they end up being even better :)

  92. That is a really nice wrap and how cool you went to Germany!

  93. How cool is that?! I'd love to visit Germany AND Didymos!!

  94. I'd love to go to Germany and visit Didymos! How cool is that!

  95. They have such lovely wraps and I'd love to try one!

  96. I so would love to get one of these for a friend of mine who is expecting. Thanks for sharing!

  97. I haven't used a wrap, but I have just started getting interested. This makes me want to get a wrap. Yours is gorgeous.

  98. i love the colors. so pretty, wish i could figure how to wear one.



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