Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Boba Mini Review & Giveaway

This post was originally a part of the Travelin’ with Baby Giveaway Hop Event

Babywearing. That's me, all day every day. Can't stop, won't stop!

It's so ingrained into our daily life that whenever the girls and I get ready to leave the house, Penny always starts the check list: "Mama, here are your shoes. I need my water. Don't forget the Robot!"

...The "Robot" is our Boba 4g carrier, which has been the primary carrier for Ruby. Anywhere we go, the Boba comes too and the freedom that it's given me to keep up with Penny and always have Ruby close has been invaluable. I honestly don't know how parents get by without wearing their littles. Besides the ability to play with Penny, babywearing gets dinner done, keeps the house kind of clean, soothes owies, nurses on the go, and is a mobile nap spot. Babywearing is my BFF.

So it comes as no surprise that eventually Penny would want to mimic mama with her baby doll. We tried a homemade wrap but Penny insisted that she needed a "Robot" too, so our good friends at Boba sent us a Boba Mini carrier for Penny to review!

The thing I love the most about the Boba Mini doll carrier is how it is pretty much exactly like the 4g. It has all of the same straps and even a little pocket to put treasures in. I was able to get the fit just right, even for a small frame like Penny's.

Many view doll carriers as something cute or as a way for children to feel like they are a part of the change with a new sibling. And I totally agree- it's absolutely adorable to see Penny walk around wearing her baby, caring for her in the same way that she sees me care for her little sister. But there's something more - it's the beginning of giving her a glimpse of the care and love that Adam and I have for our daughters. The doll carrier is a tool to help her learn through pretend play and gain empathy for another being.  It's common to give children (particularly girls) baby dolls with cribs or bottles, and the doll carrier is an extension of our lifestyle and values.

Now that we have the Boba Mini, it's added to Penny's checklist as we leave. "Mama, here are your shoes. I found MY Robot! Don't forget your Robot!"

So as we prepare for our first plane ride with all four of us, I can guarantee that mama AND Penny's "Robots" will be worn to make sure everyone is happy, safe and close.

This giveaway is over - thanks to all for entering! 
Keep an eye out for more Pierogie Mama Giveaways.

Disclosure: I received product in exchange for my honest review!


  1. My great niece has several baby dolls that she'd carry in the carrier. I think she might try to carry some stuffed animals too, lol I love this carrier for kids :)

  2. The link to visit Boba in the widget, does not go to Boba, it goes to an error page here on your blog.

  3. I would choose the Tweet pattern for the mini carrier :)

  4. My daughter would wear her Bitty Baby the most, but I'm sure she'd also wear random teddy bears too.

  5. I like the Dusk color. I have the full sized Dusk, so I know my little girl would appreciate a carrier just like my real one.

  6. She'll probably carry around her baby. Or maybe Minnie!

  7. My 3 year old daughter would probably wear her babydoll and stuffed animal named Mango!

  8. I'd love the Dusk color for my daughter!

  9. I really like the Soho pattern. I love the colors!

  10. She'll carry around her Curious George

  11. The kangaroo is super cute, but my daughter's name is Lila so I'm partial to that one!

  12. My daughter would carry her baby dolls in it. I like the soho pattern.

  13. I think "Kangaroo" is a really cute print

  14. I have all boys but my niece would love this for her bitty baby!

  15. I would choose Safari as it would be for my son (until my daughter is older!) and it's the least likely to show the dirt LOL!

  16. My daughter would carry around one of her many babies, probably a cabbage patch.

  17. My son will wear his caillou doll. He loves bird and the tweet pattern

  18. I really like the Lila print, though it is out of stock. :(

  19. My son would love this so he could carry his stuffed Mickey mouse around.

  20. I love the kangaroo print the most for my little.

  21. I will give this to my God daughter. She will probably wear her Minnie Mouse or her American Girl Bitty baby

  22. Love the Soho print and my daughter doesn't have a baby doll yet but I'm positive she will be getting one soon!

  23. I like the Tweet print the best. My little grand daughter would love this as she has a new baby brother and wants to be like Mama.

  24. I love the glacier color. I would give this to my boys

  25. My son would wear his pretend baby doll or his stuffed dog

  26. Our child would like the stuffed animal.

  27. My daughter would just DIE to have this! She would take turns giving all her stuffed animals (she has a zoo!) a ride!

  28. maybe her Tigger... that's her favorite

  29. i love them all but would probably choose tweet.

  30. Oooh, all are cute. Tweet or Soho, probably! Also, passengers would include both humans and animals :)

  31. a stuffed animal will be worn with pride :)

  32. My daughter's current favorite is a soft doll wearing a monkey outfit.

  33. My daughter would put her bunny in there by the time she could wear it maybe a doll.

  34. I think my granddaughter will put a stuffed cat in the carrier.

  35. I like the Lila print for the carrier. Purple is the granddaughter's favorite color.

  36. My daughter is attached to a random purple bear she picked up at a thrift store right now...she would probably wear that.

  37. My grand daughter would carry a doll and then could be just like her Mama who carries her baby brother.

  38. Minnie mouse!
    LaSha Bearman

  39. I would pick the soho print
    LaSha Bearman

  40. My little one would probably carry his stuffed monkey in it.

  41. I would choose the tweet mini carrier.

  42. My daughter would probably love to carry her stuffed "Lambie" in this!

  43. My daughter has a bunch of stuffed animals so I'm guessing she would probably choose one of those.

  44. I love the Lila print Boba Mini.

  45. My daughter would wear her soft doll.



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